Presentation of Les irreals omegues
On Wednesday, April 9th, the presentation of the book Les irreals omegues that the Foundation published at Christmas, together with Edicions 62, will take place. In addition to the poems by J. V. Foix that make up the book, the volume also contains a study by Segimon Serrallonga and twenty-one poems from two other books by Foix that help give meaning to the volume.
The presentation will be led by Manuel Carbonell, translator and essayist, and Jordi Cornudella, editor and writer, and will take place at the Sarrià – J. V. Foix Library.
Date: April 9th at 6:30 p.m.
Place: Sarrià – J. V. Foix Library, Plaça de Sarrià.
World poetry day 2025
In 1999, the General Conference of UNESCO proclaimed March 21 as World Poetry Day (WPD). The Institució de les Lletres Catalanes and the Catalan Federation of Unesco Associations and Clubs are promoting this celebration with the choice of a poet and his poem for the occasion. In the eighteenth edition of the DMP, the ILC has chosen the poem “Desamor” by Josep M. Llompart, whose birth centenary we commemorate this year.
This year the Foundation has chosen the poem by J. V. Foix “Dèiem: La Nit!” of On he deixat les claus…, dedicated to Carles Riba. Here you can read it.
Art i paraula in Martorell
Starting on March 14, the Muxart, contemporary art and creation space in Martorell hosts the exhibition Art i Paraula, a traveling exhibition in which twelve artists and twelve poets become a unit as they traverse the paths of image and word.
Jordi Tolosa works with the alchemical material of iron to transform the words of J. V. Foix and contrast the parameters of measuring depths with the impossible measurements of the poetic-artistic message.
Place: Muxart. contemporary art and creation space. Pl. de les hores, s/n
Days: From March 14 to June 15 2025
With the title «Les irreals omegues (1949), by J. V. Foix, a post-symbolist interpretation of the history of the 20th century», it has just appeared in the magazine Estudis romànics, the study of the professor of Contemporary Catalan Literature at the University of Barcelona Jordi Marrugat.
According to the author, the book can be read as a poetic interpretation of Catalan and European history of the 20th century, especially the 1930s, carried out on a symbolic level.
Here you can read the study.
We already have the Sarrià- J. V. Foix library
On Saturday, February 2, the long-awaited library in the Sarrià neighborhood was inaugurated. The official opening and the rest of the events had to be moved indoors due to rain.
In the afternoon, the tribute to J. V. Foix, designed by Vicenç Altaió, was held in the Carme Serrallonga auditorium. Frederic Amat, Altaió himself, Tortell Poltrona, Cesc Gelabert, Víctor Sunyol and Toni Clapés, Laia Estruch and Gabriel Ventura and Rosa Tharrats participated in it. Laura Sangrà condcuted the event.
Here you can see some photos.
Inauguration of the Sarrià – J. V. Foix library
On Saturday 1 February, the library in Sarrià will be inaugurated, which will be called J. V. Foix.
Throughout the day there will be a series of activities prepared together with the entities of the neighborhood.
At 5 p.m., an event will take place in tribute to the poet, with the participation of Vicenç Altaió, Tortell Poltrona, Frederic Amat, Laia Estruch, Victor Suñol, Toni Clapés, Cesc Gelabert, Gabriel Ventura and Rosa Tharrats.
Les irreals omegues
This new publication of Les irreals omegues contains a study by Segimon Serrallonga presented by Jaume Coll Mariné as well as a complement of twenty-one poems from other books by J. V. Foix. According to Serrallonga, the eight poems of On he deixat les claus and the thirteen of Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix are an ideal complement to deepen and give meaning to the reading of the book, one of the great milestones of Catalan literature.
Merry Christmas, by J. V. Foix
I vencés el Temps i els vents,
I a la ratlla del coratge,
D’un Més Enllà fes imatge
Amb Terra i Cel romanents,
Per Vós faria valises
D’aures antigues i brises,
I estranys i novells piments.
I llibres, pertot, en feu;
Faig el sord a la campana
—O bé escric a l’altra plana
De la llei que Vós dicteu.
Us duc només l’esperança
Que, Contrast de la Balança,
Alceu els ulls i em mireu.
Prades, del Baix Camp
Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any in Castellar del Vallès
On Friday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m., a reading club led by literature professor Òscar Rocabert took place at the Antoni Tort library in Castellar del Vallès.
In it were read and commented the poems “També vindrem, Infant, a l’hora vella”, “Nova balada del Cap de Creus”, “Si l’altra nit jo cavalcava al ras”, “Ho sap tothom, i és profecia” and “Si jo fos marxant a Prades” from the book Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any, by J. V. Foix, whose first edition appeared in 1960.
L’Amic de les Arts. Art i poesia a Sitges, 1926-1929
L’Amic de les Arts was the first avant-garde publication in Catalonia and a cultural reference in the first half of the 20th century. Published in Sitges between 1926 and 1929 by Josep Carbonell i Gener, it had among its collaborators J. V. Foix in addition to Federico García Lorca, Paul Éluard, Magí Albert Cassanyes, Sebastià Sánchez-Juan, Lluís Montanyà and Salvador Dalí, who published his first text there. He reproduced graphic works by Dalí himself, in addition to Joan Miró, Picasso, Enric Cristòfor Ricart and Pere Jou.
Place: Sala Vaixells del Palau Maricel, Fonollar, s/n, 08870 Sitges.
Dates: From November 22, 2024 to March 16, 2025