Today, January 28, 128 years ago, was born the great poet J. V. Foix, in the town of Sarrià.
«Feliç qui amb fills, alous i bous sap dur
Més alt que tots el penó dels seus zels
I en verb natiu ajusta un rim segur»
maig 1920
margaridatriasMarch 5March 5
Starting on March 14, the Muxart, contemporary art and creation space in Martorell hosts the exhibition Art i Paraula, a traveling exhibition in which twelve...
With the title «Les irreals omegues (1949), by J. V. Foix, a post-symbolist interpretation of the history of the 20th century», it has just appeared in the...
margaridatriasFebruary 3February 5
On Saturday, February 2, the long-awaited library in the Sarrià neighborhood was inaugurated. The official opening and the rest of the events had to be moved...
Quantes ulleres fosques per no veure-hi / Tot n'és ple...
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