Sabadell commemorates J. V. Foix’s death

The 19 th November, at 8.30 pm, at the Espai FOC in Sabadell the exhibition In Foix’s shade will be opened. “In Foix’s shade” is an artist’s book proposal whose works are inspired in J. V. Foix’s texts. In order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Foix’s death, Enrique Badosa, Josep Ma Fulquet i Jordi Marrugat will talk about him. The event will end with the actress Rosa Renom reciting some of Foix’s poems.

Day: 19th November at 20.30 h
Site Espai FOC. Via Massagué, 5-7 Sabadell
FGC Línia S2. Estació Rambla

Acte commemoratiu del 25è aniversari de la mort de J. V. Foix a Sabadell
“In Foix’s shade” by Poètica Còdex

See photographs