«A tocar!», espectacle de Baró d’Evel i convidats

Tomorrow at the Teatre Grec de Montjuïc the play A tocar!, by Baró d’Evel will be performed by the first time. With this montage, the company intends to create a moment «in suspension» from which society starts up again and finds a new meaning to life through poetry and, specifically, the poetry by J. V. Foix.
Ceremony masters Camille Decourtye and Blaï Mateu Trias surround themselves with creators of disciplines as varied as artist Frederic Amat, clown Tortell Poltrona, dancer Maria Muñoz, musician Raül Refree, fado singer Lina and actress Imma Colomer.

On Tuesday the 30 at 10.00 pm it can be seen the life show on BTV.

Here you can hear the poem by J. V. Foix, «Una rosa amb un ganivet al pit…».