Ara journal offers J. V. Foix’s book on the 2nd December

On Sunday the 2nd December, the Ara newspaper and Edicions 62 will offer the first of the two volumes by J. V. Foix they have included in the “Els millors poetes catalans del segle xx” collection. This first volume contains three verse poetry books: Sol, i de dol, Les irreals omegues i i Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.

The second one will appear on Sunday the 9th December and will contain the following prose poetry books: Del “Diari 1918”, L’estrella d’En Perris, Darrer comunicat i Tocant a mà….

If you want to get the entire collection (41 titles of 33 authors), you can register here, ask for information to the e-mail address or call number 902 570 941.