Foix-Espriu Exhibition at Poblenou

An exhibition of artist books will be opened at Casal de Barri del Poblenou on Thursday 31th October. The exhibition is inspired by J. V. Foix and Salvador Espriu poems. L’exposició consisteix en obra gràfica de les artistes que formen el grup Poètica Còdex. Dins del marc de l’exposició, el 22 de novembre hi ha programat un recital poètic.

Site: Casal del Poblenou. Rambla del Poblenou, 49. Barcelona
Hour: 31th October 7.30 pm

The exhibition will remain opened from 31th October to 29th November. Opening houres: Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and Monday to Friday from 4.30 pm to 9 pm