A càrrec de l’editor Eugeni Barniol, Pagès Editors acaba de publicar el llibre Serenament, de la rel cap al cel, que conté tot un capítol amb set textos de J.V. Foix sobre aquesta comarca, país natal de l’estirp dels Foix.
margaridatriasMarch 5March 5
Starting on March 14, the Muxart, contemporary art and creation space in Martorell hosts the exhibition Art i Paraula, a traveling exhibition in which twelve...
With the title «Les irreals omegues (1949), by J. V. Foix, a post-symbolist interpretation of the history of the 20th century», it has just appeared in the...
margaridatriasFebruary 3February 5
On Saturday, February 2, the long-awaited library in the Sarrià neighborhood was inaugurated. The official opening and the rest of the events had to be moved...
Quanta fruita d'olor darrere el claustre / Tot n'és ple...
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