Posts by: margaridatrias

1923-1926, terrassa de la fonda ComerçThis summer in Port de la Selva they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the tribute that was dedicated to Sagarra in 1971, ten years after his death.
In 1929 Sagarra published the novel All i salobre, with a foreword by J. V. Foix, and in 1933 he premiered the play El cafè de la Marina, the name of a café in Port de la Selva.

«Si el meu cor es perd un dia,
et diré on el trobaràs;
camí de Port de la Selva
entre la vinya i el mar.»

In June, Assirio & Alvim published Resistir ao tempo, an anthology that aims to make Catalan poetry known to Portuguese readers.

In a bilingual Catalan-Portuguese edition, the volume brings together 87 Catalan authors, among whom is J. V. Foix with three poems: «Sol, i de dol», «És quan dormo que hi veig clar» i «Anava sola i dreta dalt l’autobús».

Here you can read Anava sola i dreta dalt l’autobús.

Lorca in Catalonia

According to Salvador Giné in his book Federico García Lorca a Catalunya, from 1925 to 1936 Catalonia was part of Federico García Lorca’s life trajectory.

One of his Catalan friends, Josep Carbonell, director of the magazine L’Amic de les Arts, invites Lorca to his home in Sitges. This went there by train, along with J. V. Foix, Sebastià Gasch, Lluís Montanyà, Magí Cassanyes and the cartoonist Manel Font, and at the station Víctor Sabater took a photograph of them, in which Salvador Dalí and Josep Carbonell also appear.

Foix in Port de la Selva

In the Revers, of El Nacional, Joan Safont begins today a series of articles in which he will link the traditional summer villages with the most prominent writers, musicians or artists.
The first of them is dedicated to J. V. Foix and the Empordà population of Port de la Selva, whom he visited for the first time in 1924 and where he had a fishermen’s house until his death in 1987.

Here you can read the article.

Yesterday, May 31, the poet Enrique Badosa died. Great friend of J V. Foix and translator of Foix, Espriu and the Catalan medievalists, among others.

Here you can read one of his poems from the book Mapa de Grecia, entitled «Sculpture»: «En lo definitivo de mi edad…»

Antoni Martí Monterde, foix’s studious Antoni Martí Monterde, professor of Comparative Literature at the UB, has published an article in the Núvol in which he argues why the public library of Sarrià should be named after the poet J. V. Foix. The story begins as a dream, in fact, it is a dialogue between two of the most important writings of J. V. Foix: «Plaça Catalunya- Pedralbes» and «L’Estació» with a place, Plaça de Sarrià.

Here you can read it.

«M’exalta el nou i m’enamora el vell» is the J. V. Foix‘s verse Insensats have recently chosen to add to their t-shirts collection, along with those of five other authors. This collection also includes handbags.

Insensats aims to give more visibility to Catalan literature through t-shirts, each of which has an original design that illustrates the author’s text.

In 1932 a group of Catalan nationalist students founded the FNEC (Federació Nacional d’Estudiants de Catalunya) and in a short time it became the most representative student union in the country.

J. V. Foix was one of its first partners and already then he pointed out: «The students, in addition to studying, must be activists of what the revitalization of our culture and the social and political elevation of the country entail.»

Last year, Professor Lluís Cabré published in Studia Lulliana some «notes» based on J. V. Foix‘articles on Llull that appeared in La Publicitat between 1933 and 1936, and in other data from those years. These notes aim at portraying Foix’s unique identification with Llull’s oeuvre.
In addition, it is suggested that Llull’s Desconhort may be the source for the metaphysical pain conveyed at the beginning of Sol, i de dol.

Here you can read the article.

The exhibition presents documents and materials from the ADLAN archive, kept in various public and private centers and allows us to re-examine the key word that the group had in the construction of modernity in Catalonia. Among the characters that made this regeneration of the concept of modern culture possible are Joan Prats, Josep Lluís Sert, Adelita Lobo, J. V. Foix, and Sebastià Gasch.

Place and dates: Fundació Miró. Parc de Montjuïc Barcelona. Dates: from March 12 to July 4

See photographs here.