Posts by: margaridatrias

International poetry day

Unesco declared March 21 World Poetry Day. This year the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes has chosen the writer, painter and translator Felícia Fuster (Barcelona, ​​1921 – Paris, 2012) whose poem han been translated to 21 languages.

This year we participate in the celebration with the poem by J. V. Foix, Tota amor és latent en l’altra amor.

The presentation of the Aleix Cort’s És quan plou que ballo sol. Una aproximació a lobra de Foix a través del ball book by the filologist specializing in Noucentisme Josep Murgades will take place on Thursday 18 March.

Day: Thursday 18 March at 19 p.m.
Place: Sala Emili Argilaga. Centre de lectura de Reus.

It can also be seen live on Youtube.

At the escola Poeta Foix they have not stopped working despite the pandemic. In the video they have recorded how different class groups work. The motto of this 2020-2021 academic  year is the verse by J.V. Foix: «M’exalta el nou, m’enamora el vell».

Here you can see the video.

J. V. Foix in lyrik-line

Lyrikline is created by Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in cooperation with its international network of Lyrikline partners.
It includes 11 Foix’s poems translated into 10 different languages.
They can be heard recited by the poet himself.

Here there is the link to J. V. Foix in Lyrik-line.

e1612265055877-103×110.jpg” alt=”” width=”103″ height=”110″>This January 29 marks thirty-four years since the death of J. V. Foix. It was the year 1987.
«Ésser i traspàs fan un: tot muda i tot roman;
tots hi serem al Port amb la desconeguda.»
                                                  gener 1973

J. V. Foix’s 128th Birthday

Today, January 28, 128 years ago, was born the great poet J. V. Foix, in the town of Sarrià.

«Feliç qui amb fills, alous i bous sap dur
Més alt que tots el penó dels seus zels
I en verb natiu ajusta un rim segur»

                                                                                        maig 1920

In the November 2020 issue of the journal Ínsula, professor Enric Bou comments on the case of J. V. Foix as emblematic of the avant-garde exchanges. His figure as a critic, poet and cultural agitator is essential in the surrealist panorama of 1929.

Here you can read the article.

Christmas 2020

Exalço amb tinta i paper,
Cels morents i rima nova,,
O rondo al fosc de la Cova
De Qui promet, mitjancer,
Cels morents i Terra nova.

                                                              El Port de la Selva, 1956

Espais Escrits. Catalan literary heritage network is a private non-profit association, established in 2005 with the aim of articulating the projects of custody, research and spreading of the tangible and intangible legacy of the classic writers of Catalan literature, and structuring the Catalan literary heritage through the institutions that watch over it and promote reading and studies.

Here you can see the promotional video.

The book published this year by the Fundació J. V. Foix allows the reader not only to witness the friendship between J. V. Foix and the publisher and bookseller Joan Gili, who settled in England in 1934, but also closely attend the birth of books such as Sol, i de dol or Les irreals omegues.

Josep Mengual carries out a preliminary study of the importance of the figure of Joan Gili to spread Catalan literature and Margarida Trias edits the correspondence.