Date and time: January 12 at 6 pm.
Place: Rectoria Vella de Sant Celoni. Parc de la Rectoria Vella s/n, 08470 Sant Celoni, Barcelone.
«Si l’altra nit jo cavalcava al ras», by J. V. Foix, from Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any, 1960.
Si l’altra nit jo cavalcava al ras
Com qui torna i se’n va, i esquiva el mas,
Pertot i enlloc sentia corn i esquella;
Sona que tunc tan tunc que tocaràs,
Vénen de lluny, sense brida ni sella,
Com qui torna i se’n va, i esquiva el mas.
Here you can read the whole poem.
Within the acts that make up the exhibition «Ho sap tothom, i és profecia», dedicated to J. V. Foix, in which eight artists took part nd that can be seen in the Rectoria Vella de Sant Celoni, Oriol Izquierdo will take part with a conference entitled «Foix: the poet, the pilgrim of the invisible».
Place: Rectoria Vella de Sant Celoni
Day and time: December 15 at 6.00 p.m.
The exhibition can be visited until January 19th, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 5 to 8 in the evening, and Sundays and holidays from 2/4 to 12:00 a.m. to 2/4 of noon and from 5 to 8 in the evening. Christmas and New Year closed.
For more than a year, the Clarà library in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi has been preparing a reading guide for the poet of Sarrià J. V. Foix, which has finally come to light. If you wish, you can consult it here or download it in pdf.
In addition to a brief biography, the guide contains the works of the poet available in the library, as well as the works on the author and his work. It also includes his poems, some translations, literary routes, music poems and websites about Foix.
Here you can download the pdf.
At the Rectoria Vella in Sant Celoni this year it is organized a tribute to J. V. Foix strong> with an exhibition of the Christmas cards. In addition, Gloria Auleda, Narcís Clopés, Narcís Comadira, Rob Dubois, Judit Gil, Marduix, Vicenç Mascarell, Xavi Plana Stefano Puddu and Núria Rossell will participate in the event.
Inauguration: Saturday, November 9 at 7 p.m.
Place: Rectoria Vella de Sant Celoni
Open exhibition: from November the 9th to January the 11th.
Here you can see the brochure.
Narcís Bonet’s family has decided to cancel the tribute to the Catalan composer
The event is postponed on Friday, November 8th at 8.30 pm in the Sala Llevant de la Biblioteca de Catalunya.
Here you can read the statement.
The Catalan Library will pay tribute to the Catalan composer Narcís Bonet, in which the music and reading of the correspondence will be combined with J. V. Foix, Carles Riba and Salvador Espriu.
Anna Bonet and Eulàlia Domènech will read the correspondence, Hélène Giraudier de Bonet, soprano, Francesc Guzmán, violin and Pau Casan, piano.
Day and time: Thursday, October 7, at 8:30 p.m.
Place: Llevant room of the Biblioteca de Catalunya (Calle del Hospital, 56 – Barcelona)
Here you can see the program.
Daybook 1918: Early Fragments is the first substantial selection in English from the prose poetry poems of the Catalan writer J. V. Foix . Translated and edited by Lawrence Venuti, it is made up of forty-five poems in prose and verse, prose fictions, and essays that immerse the reader in the cultural world of the twentieth-century Catalonia.
This book is the Winner of the Global Humanities Translation Prize and is published by Northwestern University Press.
On September 13 at 6:30 pm, the conference «J. V. Foix. Un impuls espiritual avançat a la seva època. Reflexions sobre el significat espiritual de la poesia de J. V. Foix»», by Lluís Balaguer.
Day and time: September 13 at 6.30 p.m.
Place: Casa Rudolf Steiner. Duquessa d´Orleans, 6 Barcelona
Free entrance
Here you can find the poster.
Quantes ulleres fosques per no veure-hi / Tot n'és ple...
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