Posts by: margaridatrias

Arnau Puig, Brossa and J. V. Foix

With the title «Joan Brossa, qüestions sobre codi lingüístic» Arnau Puig pays homage to Joan Brossa. In the same article in the digital magazine issue number Lecrop, he reproduces two poems by J. V. Foix: «Feliç el just que sap oficis nous» i «El difícil encontre».

Here you can read the article.

One year more, on June 12, the winners of the Jocs Florals celebrated on Sant Jordi’s day at the Poeta Foix school visited the Fundació accompanied by the new director, Cristina Valiente, and the teacher Estrella.

Those who still did not have it, were given a T-shirt stamped with the J. V. Foix poem dedicated to Joana Givanel

Thursday, June 27, on Channel 33, premiere of the “Inèdits” program, with an interview to J. V. Foix on the occasion of the awarding of the National Spanish Literature Prize, in 1984. Foix was 92 years old. This interview had never been broadcast in its entirety.

«La guspira que ve d’un estrella»: that is how Foix defined poetic inspiration.

Here you can see the interview.

The philosopher and art critic Arnau Puig, founder of the group «Dau al Set», leaves his archives to the Bonart magazine in Girona due to the lack of response from Catalan institutions, among which is the National Arxiu, the MNAC and the MACBA.

Here you can read the interview in the newspapear El Punt/Avui, June the 23th, by Maria Palau.

On Saturday the 8th June, in the gardens of Castel Bardera, in Galliners, the 6th poetry meeting took place, this time dedicated to the poet Joan Brossa on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.

All the participants recited a poem of their own and one by Joan Brossa. There was also occasion to listen to music and singing.

The Fundació J. V. Foix contributed to the tribute with the reading of two poems by J. V. Foix.

Here you can download the program.

See photographs here.

Remodeled Mapa Literari Català

As of May, we have the remodeled Mapa Literari Català website, a tool created by Espais Escrits that unites literature and landscape.

This Mapa Literari includes more than two thousand literary spaces created from the creative universe of the authors. In the case of J. V. Foix, we can find three routes, Sarrià, El Port de la Selva and El Solsonès.

Here you can see the first point of the route J. V. Foix in Sarrià.

Here is the link to the Literari Map that includes 103 authors, 66 literary routes and 2,056 written spaces.

Here you can see the promotional video.


Once again, thePoeta Foix school organized the Jocs Florals de Sant Jordi to which the Fundació was invited.

This 2019, the wining poetry of the J. V. Foix Extraordinary Prize was entitled «Sortir d’un buit», by the student with the pen name “Un humilde gato bohemio”.

Here you can read the winning poems.

The Revista de Catalunya has just published a number entitled «La República de Les Lletres», in homage to the homonymous magazine that was published in Valencia between 1934 and 1936. Coordinated by Xènia Bussé, it gathers 25 texts from current authors, each of whom has chosen an author and has made a narrative.

In the case of J. V. Foix, Marina Espasa has written «Diari (1918) 2018 by J. V. Foix».

World Poetry Day 2019

On March the 21th was proclamed the World Poetry Day in 1999 by the General Conference of UNESCO. The Institució de les Lletres Catalanes promotes this celebration in the Catalan lands with the organization of different actions with the aim of spreading the poetic fact.

This year the J. V. Foix’s poem is «Dèiem la nit», de J. V. Foix, dedicated to Carles Riba.

On March 17th, in MUHBA-Vil·la Joana, the book Els lloms transparents, of J. V. Foix, will be presented by Jordi Cornudella, poet and editor, and Marina Porras, who prepares a thesis on Gabriel Ferrater, author of the book’s prologue, which was published for the first time in 1969.

site: MUHBA Vil·la Joana, Ctra. de Vallvidrera, 104. Barcelona
Day and hour: 17 March at 12.30 h

Limited capacity. To book, click here.

See photographs