Posts by: margaridatrias

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of J. V. Foix’s birth, in Tangram. Espai polièdric, you can see the show based on Foix’s texts by Moixic and Voliana.

Place: Tangram. Espai polièdric, Mañé i Flaquer, 23
Day and hour: October the 4th at 8.00 pm

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The Gabriel Ferrater Association, of Sant Cugat del Vallès, organizes on the first Wednesday of the months of October, November and December the Poetry Reading Group dedicated to J. V. Foix. The sessions will be conducted by Jordi Malé, professor of Catalan Literature at the UdL.

Place: Mesón de Sant Cugat. Plaça Octavià, 8.
Days: October 3, November 7 and December 5.

Brochure of the sessions. Free assistance.

Autor: Humberto Rivas1918 is the year of the end of the Great War and of the Spanish flu, but also a key date for Catalan literature and for J. V. Foix. With Lluís Quintana, Professor of Catalan Philology (UAB); Enric Bou, professor of Catalan Literature at Ca’Foscari University (Venice) and Antoni Martí Monterde, writer and professor of Comparative Literature (UB). Presented by Joan Safont.

Day and hour: September 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Ateneu Barcelonès. Sala Sala Verdaguer.

Here you can see the video.

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On September the 1st, the exhibition “Personal memory” of the Olot artist Quim Domene in Ceret will be inaugurated, in which he will present, among other works, the sculptures-book inspired by poems by J. V. Foix.

Days: From September the 1st to the 30th
Site: La Capelleta, Ceret.

Here you can see the leaflet.

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Saturday August 11 at 8.30 p.m. at the Center for Contemporary Art Nau Côclea , Moixic and Volianna will perform the animated show and overhaul «Dir J. V. Foix als Torrents de Lladurs».

«J. V. Foix al Sónar»

The July-August issue of the L’Avenç“>L’Avenç magazine publishes an article by Jordí Puntí entitled «J. V. Foix al Sónar», in which the author relates the avant-garde spirit present in Foix’s proses with the current artistic panorama of Catalonia and, in particular, with the electronic music festival and Sergio Caballero, one of the creators of Sónar.

Here you can read the article.

The translator, literary critic and professor of comparative literature Eberhard Geisler has published the translation of ten sonnets from Sol, i de dol, by J. V. Foix , preceded by a prologue, in the German journal Sprache Im Technischen Zeitalter.

Here you can read the list of translated sonnets.

Soon, in Casa Usher Llibreters, Jordi Cornudella, Edicions 62 advisor, will present the Diari 1918, by J. V. Foix, and Elegies de Bierville. Salvatge cor. Darrers poemes, by Carles Riba, both appeared in labutxaca collection.
Perejaume, Dolors Miquel and Enric Casasses will read some texts.

Site: Casa Usher Llibreters. Santaló, 79. Barcelone
Day and hour: 19th June at 7 p.m.

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Sant Jordi a l’Escola Poeta Foix

Once again, thePoeta Foix school has organized the Jocs Florals de Sant Jordi to which the Fundació was invited.

This 2018, the wining poetry of the J. V. Foix Extraordinary Prize was entitled «La història de tota una vida», by G. S. I.

This month, at the cultural supplement La Llança of the digital newspaper El Nacional,Joan Safont talks about the reissue of Catalans de 1918, edited by Lluís Quintana Trias and Toni Marí, at Tusquets Editors.

Published for the first time in 1965, Catalans de 1918 collects a series of autobiographical proses from the diary that Foix wrote when he was young, between 1909 and 1925.