Posts by: margaridatrias

From May 10th to August 26th, the exhibition Nord/Sud/Est/Oest, curated by Antoni Llena, can be seen in room 3 of Palau Robert in Barcelona, ​​with works by the photographer Antoni Bernad, among which there is a photography by J. V. Foix.

Joan Josep Mayans borrows this line from J. V. Foix to untitle his new CD, which includes different Catalan poets from Maragall, Carner, Riba and Salvat-Papasseit to Ponç Pons. It includes also Manent, Vinyoli, Espriu, Pujols and Desclot.

You can find «Sé un poble lluny de Provença» and «Onsevulla tinc port» by Foix.

Here you can listen to «Onsevulla tinc port».

Autor: Humberto RivasA la Biblioteca Joan Miró, de Barcelona, tindrà lloc el recital «Un tast de Foix» a càrrec de l’actriu Gemma Reguant i la pianista Anna Alemany. Els textos del poeta estaran acompanyats de la música de Mestres-Quaderny, Frederic Mompou i Xavier Montsalvatge.

Lloc: Biblioteca Joan Miró. Carrer de Vilamarí, 61, Barcelona
Dia i hora: 25 d’abril a les 19 h.

To commemorate the 125th anniversary of J. V. Foix’s birth, Edicions 62 has just published, in addition to the Diari 1918, a volume that contains the three books of verse poetry of the poet, three master works of the poetry of twentieth century: Sol, i de dol, Les irreals omegues and Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.

«És quan plou que ballo sol»

At issue 301 of Revista de Catalunya, Aleix Cort, poet, writer and teacher of ballroom dancing builds on his observation of the omnipresence of dance in the J. V. Foix‘s work in order to approach it through this particular subject.

If you are interested, you can read the article here.

World Poetry Day

This year we commemorate the World Poetry Day, that was adopted as 21 March by UNESCO in 1999, publishing another poem by J. V. Foix.

Here you can find the J. V. Foix’s poem: «Feliç el just que sap oficis nous», de Desa aquests llibres al calax de baix.

Catalans de 1918

Tusquets Editores has just published a new edition of Catalans de 1918, by J. V. Foix, a collection of essays about five Catalan personalities –Pompeu Fabra, Josep Carner, Joaquim Folguera, Salvat-Papasseit and Carles Riba– edited by Lluís Quintana and Antoni Marí.

From March the 3rd, the retrospective exhibition «Diàbolo» about Joan Ponç, curated by Pilar Parcerisas, can be visited at Museu d’art modern de Céretand presents the work and the figure of this painter, who was a friend of J. V. Foix‘s and made two artist books with him.

Site: Museu d’art modern de Céret. 8, Bd Maréchal Joffre
Dates: From March the 3rd to May the 27tf 2018
Opoening hours: From 10 am to 17 pm.

See photographs

The translation theorist and historian, Lawrence Venuti, wins Global Humanities Translation Prize for a translation-in-progress of Daybook 1918: Early Fragments by Catalan poet J. V. Foix.

With Diari 1918, says Jon Yates, Foix emerged as one of Europe’s most influential avant-garde poets and intellectuals. Venuti’s fluid translation from Catalan of prose poems brings closer Foix’s work to the English-speaking public.

Here you can read the press release.

F. Català-Roca

To commemorate the125th anniversary of J. V. Foix’s birth, Edicions 62 has just published his Diari 1918, edited by Joan R. Veny-Mesquida, who has also written the prologue.
The book includes a series of texts whose origin is previous or subsequent to the mythical 1918, and which were initially intended to come up to 365, the same number as that of Llull’s proverbs in his Llibre d’Amic e Amat.