Posts by: margaridatrias

J. V. Foix has been chosen this month’s author for the “La Casa del mes” (The House of the Month)«La casa del mes» competition, in the Quèllegeixes website.
J. V. Foix (“The House of the Month”) competition, in the “Quèllegeixes” website.
Take part in the competition! A set of J. V. Foix‘s books and a visit to the Foundation will be raffled among all those who get the answers right.

You can find the winner is here.


This year, in Sant Jaume square in Barcelona, the Nativity scene takes the format of a story, and in one of its pages we can see some lines from a poem by J. V. Foix:

«I els núvols, a ponent, són ametistes
Que dibuixen la gepa dels camells
On cavalquem amb barbes futuristes!»

[And the clouds in the West are amethysts
That draw the camels’ humps
On which they ride with futuristic beards!]

Realization: Jordi Pallí

«A cal fuster hi ha novetat»

Joan Josep Mayans, músic olotí d’adopció, acaba de treure el disc «A cal fuster hi ha novetat», amb poesia cantada de diversos poetes catalans. Entre d’altres, hi ha «Si l’altra nit jo cavalcava al ras» i «Ho sap tothom i és profecia», de J. V. Foix.

A més, també hi ha Carner, Cummings, Desclot, Dickinson, Espriu, Keats, Marià Manent, Maragall, Pere Quart, Pujols, Riba, Teixidor, Salvat-Papasseit,
Verdaguer, Villangómez i Vinyoli.

Si l’altra nit jo cavalcava al ras

On December the 17th there will be the presentation of the book Correspondència (1952-1985), by J. V. Foix and Albert Manent. We will have the partiticpation of Enrique Badosa, Marcel Ortín and Margarida Trias.

Organized by the Fundació J. V. Foix
Date: December the 17th at 7.30 pm
Where: Aula dels Escriptors de l’ACEC. Ateneu Barcelonès. Canuda, 6, 5a planta.

See invitation


See photographs

A collection of sixty-one letters that these two writers exchanged between 1952 and 1985. They include several poems by J. V. Foix, two of which were never published before.

As Enrique Badosa says in the epilogue, «From the correspondence between those who know how to write (…) we shall always obtain the plenitude of serene beauty and fine-plucked words.»

Dins del curs de poesia catalana del segle xx que se celebra a Vic, organitzat per la revista Reduccions, la sessió del 16 de novembre està dedicada a Sol, i de dol, de J. V. Foix. Comentarà l’obra Jordi Marrugat.

Dia i hora: 16 de novembre a les 19.15 h
Lloc: Casino de Vic

In the LXI Anglo-Catalan Society Annual Conference, organised by the Anglo-Catalan Society, which will take place at the University of Glasgow, from November the 3rd to November the 15th, J. V. Foix will be present on two accounts.

Gaspar Jaén will approach the subject «Avantguarda, poesia i arquitectura: Mots i maons de J. V. Foix», and Maria Victòria Parra will deal with «J. V. Foix, el poeta amic de les arts. La interartisticitat a Quatre colors aparien el món».

Day and hour: Saturday the 14th November from 16.30 to 20.30 p.m.

To see the entire program, click here.

See photographs

In his blog El rastre d’uns escrits, the poet Carles Camps, Carles Riba Prize, has published the article «Reivindicació dels poemes més oblidats de J. V. Foix», in which he proposes to the reader some Foix‘s poetic compositions which don’t belong to be best known.

He refers to some of the poems included in On he deixat les claus and Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix, and also in Poemes esparsos, and he claims them as worth of an attention that they have not received so far. To read it click here.

As part of Lluèrnia, the Olot Light and Fire Festival, two artists, Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández, work together in the production of J. V. Foix’s «Deviations. Animation telepoems by J. V. Foix», which has been inspired by the book No pesquis mai amb els ormeigs d’un altre, published by the Fundació.

The opening will take place on November the 3rd and will be the first of the events in “La Fumarola”.

Place: Saló de Descan. Teatre Principal
Schedule: from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Saturday the 7th till 11:00 pm.

If you wish to see the Festival programme, please click here.

See video

Once again we have planned to spend a week-end at the Solsonès, the homeland of the Foix lineage, in order to repeat the experience of combining poetry and territory.

Dates: October 24th and 25th. A literary route through the Solsonès. Two lectures by Joan Ramon Veny, the recitation «Un tast de Foix», by actress Gemma Reguant and pianist Anna Alemany, and a guided visit to the Confraria dels Colls and Sant Llorenç dels Morunys.

We’ll be staying at the hotel Les Fonts del Cardener, in la Coma.

Please click here if you would like to see the program.