Posts by: margaridatrias


For the 18th-19th October week-end we have organized a trip to the region of el Solsonès, where the Foix lineage comes from. It may be a good occasion to combine poetry and the enjoyment of territory and countryside.

The trip includes a visit to Els Torrents, the Foix mill, Sant Vicenç de Foix and the Puits hill, as well as a poetry recital, a poetry workshop and a visit to the Sant Llorenç dels Morunys church.

For more information, click here.

See photographs
See the video

The editor Carles-Jordi Guardiola has published, in the Josep Pla collection of the Diputació de Girona, the book Mar de tots (Everyone’s sea). J. V. Foix is one of the authors who describe the sea village of El Port de la Selva with a «mineral, surrealistic, nocturnal prose, also seaweed and sea smell.»

Notes sobre el Port de la Selva

On Mondays of August, the Port de la Selva Town Council will offer the J. V. Foix literary tour. The tour covers several locations in the town that were portrayed in many of the poet’s works.

On Mondays 4th and 11 th, meeting point: at the Library at 7 pm.

On Mondays 18th and 25th, meeting point: in front of the sign of Port de Reig at 7 pm.

You have to make a telephone reservation at the Tourist Office o calling the 972 387 122.

On Friday August the 8th there will be a presentation of the book Amb versos de vacances, by J. V. Foix, published by the Fundació J. V. Foix. We will have the participation of the poet and translator of J. V. Foix‘s poems into Spanish, Enrique Badosa and of Carles Camps, poet and a Foix’s friend.

Organised by: Ajuntament del Port de la Selva and Fundació J. V. Foix
Where: Espai Port (sala de ball). Moll d’en Balleu, 1. El Port de la Selva
Date: August 8th at 20.00


De vacances del poema

«Memòria, literatura i retrats»

El 3 de juliol es va inaugurar a l’Espai Betúlia de Badalona l’exposició «Memòria, retrats i literatura» de Tomás Atienza. Entre les vint-i-set obres que s’hi exposen, hi ha un retrat de J. V. Foix.

Dies d’obertura: del 3 al 29 de juliol i de l’1 al 30 de setembre.
Horari: Dilluns de 16 a 20,30 h. De dimarts a divendres d’11 a 14 h i de 16 a 20,30 h. Dissabte de 10 a 14 h
Lloc: Espai Betúlia. Enric Borràs, 43. Badalona.



Avui 25 de juny s’ha presentat a l’ILC la primera APP que permet consultar per mitjà de dispositius mòbils les rutes literàries de rutes literàries dels autors associats a Espais Escrits. L’aplicació és gratuïta i està disponible per a Android com per iOS.

De J. V. Foix hi podrem trobar les rutes de Sarrià i la del Port de la Selva.

Els enllaços per descarregar l’APP són els següents:


The issue number 5 of the review El Procés reproduces the latest one of the parts into which the interview to J. V. Foix by Narcís Comadira is divided.

We already reported the publication of the third part of the interview, which appeared in issuenumber 4. The editors are Anna Lloveras, Cristina Martínez, Roger Vilà i Jordi and Joaquim Armengol.

Read the article

On Saturday the 24th May, the «Font de poemes» group will offer the J. V. Foix literary tour in Begues. The tour covers several locations in the town. At the end an aperitif will be offered.

Day and hour: May the 24th at 6 pm
Meeting point: Pl. de la Creueta de Begues. Begues.

Next Sunday the exhibition J. V. Foix, friend of the arts will be inaugurated. Enrique Badosa will do the presentation «Focius, mestre d’artistes».

Site: Vallgrassa. Centre experimental de les arts. Parc del Garraf.
Ctra. del Ratpenat a la Plana Novella, km 6,5. Begues.

Day and hour: April 18 th at 12 pm

To know how to go, click here.

Within the frame of the Setmana de la Poesia de Barcelona, some poems by J. V. Foix, as well as by Clementina Arderiu, Marià Villangómez and Josep Carner will be heard at the event entitled «In absentia», devoted to poets that are not with us anymore.

Place: Biblioteca de Catalunya. Sala de la Caritat
Day and hour: May 15 th 7.00 pm