3th part of the “Interview to Foix”
We already reported the publication of the second part of the interview, which appeared in issuenumber 3. The editors are Anna Lloveras, Cristina Martínez, Roger Vilà i Jordi and Joaquim Armengol.
We already reported the publication of the second part of the interview, which appeared in issuenumber 3. The editors are Anna Lloveras, Cristina Martínez, Roger Vilà i Jordi and Joaquim Armengol.
The full text of J. V. Foix‘s letter is reproduced in the Editorials i Articles section of the web.
From Monday the 15th July, the Port de la Selva Town Council will go on offering the J. V. Foix literary tour on Mondays at 7.30 pm that will take place all through the summer. The tour covers several locations in the town that were portrayed in many of the poet’s works.
Meeting point: At the Library.
You have to make a telephone reservation at the Tourist Office o calling the 972 387 122.
Weekly regularity: Every Monday at 19.00 pm
The Quartet Foix consists of Jaume Comas and Artur Trias (actors) and Bernat Bofarull and Joan Orpella (musicians).
Date and time: July 26th, 10:30 p.m.
Place: L’Alfolí de la Sal, l’Escala.
Price: 10 €
When Comadira was a student at the Girona Seminary he read some poems by J.V. Foix, whom he would meet personally later in life. The poem in question was “També vindrem, Infant, a l’hora vella”, the first one in the book Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any, which had just been published at that time.
Date: 17.05.2013 From 17.30 to 19.30
Place: Barcelona – Vallvidrera
Inscriptions: You can register by means of the registration form you will find at the right end of this page.
After an introduction to the life and work of J. V. Foix, the students read some verse and prose poems by the poet from Sarrià
“No m’omplis més de flors: ja no t’estimo”
Place: Biblioteca Gabriel Ferrater
Av. Pla del Vinyet, s/n. 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Opening day: May 6th at 19 h
Dates of exhibition: from May 6th to May 30th
Commemorative activities poster
El dissabte a les 18.30 les artistes explicaran l’origen dels seus llibres i es farà una lectura de poemes de J. V. Foix.
Lloc: Taller de Marian López Plana
Carrer Carme Karr, 14 bxs A Barcelona
Plànol dels tallers
The collective Poètica Còdex is made up of Marta Balaguer, Marina Berdalet, Eva Figueras Montse Ginesta and Marian López.
Site: Fundació Setba. Pça Reial, 10, 1r 2a Barcelone
Opening day: April 24th at 19 h
érem dos, drets, al roc de les estrelles...
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