Posts by: margaridatrias

On the 22nd March, Televisió de Catalunya dedicated its program to J. V. Foix‘s book Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.

“Llibres a l’atac” is a daily 1-minute microspace that aims to promote and recommend 45 titles of Catalan Literature and is carried out by Josep Maria Martorell in the production and Enric Gomà,who is in charge of the script and direction.

See the video

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout THE WORLD and, as the UNESCO session declaring the day says, to “give fresh recognition and impetus to national, regional and international poetry movements”.

“La Pàtria és…”de J. V. Foix

La Pàtria és…

Bloc Foixperiodista

On Saturday 16th at the 11.30, the Port de la Selva Town Council will present again the J.V. Foix literary tour, which will cover several locations in the town that were portrayed in many of the poet’s works.

Date and hour: Saturday, 16th March at 11.30 h
Meeting Point: at the end of the Passeig, where the tamarisk are.
Those interested should enrol at Tourism Office

Ruta Foix al Port de la Selva

V Fira de l’espàrrec

A literary tour in Sarrià

On 22st February a literary tour took place in the Sarrià of J.V. Foix. At 10am, 30 secondary-school students and their teacher Marta Prunés from INS Serrat i Bonastre in Barcelona began the tour from outside Sant Vicenç church.

They were accompanied by Marta Prunés, teacher of Catalan Language and Literature, and by Gemma Reguant, who acted as tour guide and read extracts from the works of J.V. Foix.

Homage to J. V. Foix at the IEC

J. V. Foix. c. 1977. Foto d'Humberto RivasOn Tuesday 29th January, an event will be held in the Sala Prat de la Riba of the IEC to pay homage to J. V. Foix on the ocasion of the 25th aniverasry of his death. The poet and literary critic Pere Gimferrer will give a lecture and Mariona Sagarra will sing some Foix‘s poems set to music.

Site: IEC. Carrer del Carme, 47. Barcelone
Day and time: Tuesdau 29th January at 19 h

See the video. Source: IEC

On Sunday 27th January at midday, a plaque in memory of J. V. Foix will be inaugurated at the Sarrià Cemetery . After this, those present will be invited to take part in the event by reading verses of the poet.

Site: Sarrià Cementery. c/ Doctor Roux s/n
Day and time: Sunday 27th January at 12 h


14. Tots els dies (Vil·la Olímpica – Pg. Bonanova)
30. Tots els dies (Pl. Espanya – Sarrià)
72. Tots els dies (Dte. Granvia L`H. – Bonanova
123. Tots els dies (Bonanova alta)
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat: Línia 6. Estació de Sarrià
Tanqueu informació

Street plan

See photographs

Catalan Poetry Anthology

Professors Pere Ballart and Jordi Julià, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, have published in Viena Edicions the volume Paraula encesa , which offers a selection of poems that span several generations in order to show a poetic legacy that marks one of the high points of our heritage as a language and as a people.

They have chosen five poems from J. V. Foix. You can read them here.

The issue number 3 of the review El Procés reproduces the second of the four parts into which the interview to J. V. Foix by Narcís Comadira is divided.

We already reported the publication of the first part of the interview, which appeared in issue number 2. The editors are Anna Lloveras, Cristina Martínez, Roger Vilà and Jordi and Joaquim Armengol.

Read article

Intertextuality exercise

On the occasion of the event organized by the Fundació J. V. Foix on November the 19th at “Espai Foc” in Sabadell to commemorate the 25th aniversary of J. V. Foix’s death, Josep Maria Fulquet read and discussed some political articles written by the poet and published in several magazines between 1921 and 1936. Afterwards, Fulquet wrote an article on the subject.

The article has been published in Núvol on December the 5th.

Read article

Foix Space in Arts Santa Monica

An audiovisual installation and action by Joan Carles Martínez Prat, with the participation of Vicenç Altaió, Teresa d’Arenys and the orchestra and choir of the Escola Municipal de Música Can Ponsic Escola Municipal de Música Can Ponsic. A sample of the universe created by J. V. Foix.

Place: Arts Santa Monica
Date and time: December 12th, 7:00 p.m.