Posts by: margaridatrias

oThe Sabadell Art Museum hosts the exhibition Art i Paraula, a traveling exhibition of contemporary art and Catalan poetry. The looks of artists from different generations reveal the poetry of Ausiàs March, Ramon Llull, J. V. Foix and thers.
In this case the artists and poets from Sabadell Ramiro Fernández and J. M. Ripoll, Jerónimo Prieto and Esteban Martínez, Natividad Ayala and Víctor Mañosa and Josep Gerona and Feliu Formosa have been added.

Place: Carrer del Dr. Puig, 16, 08202 Sabadell
Days: From March 1, 2023 to May 1, 2023. From Tuesday to Saturday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m

Foix’s Literary route in Sarrià

This route, which has the guide, Helena Cuesta, runs through the village of Sarrià where J. V. Foix was born 130 years ago and where he spent his entire life. The itinerary begins in his birthplace, the Foix confectionery on Major street, and stops at different points related to the life and work of the poet.

Day and time: Saturday, March 4 at 11 a.m.
Departure point: Major, 57, Barcelona

Within Variacions fora de tema the Sardinian artist dedicates a section of the exhibition to J. V. Foix. These are four works inspired by four poems from the book Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.
These works were exhibited in the Rectoria Vella of Sant Celoni at Christmas 2019 on the occasion of an exhibition dedicated to Foix’s book itself.

Place: Centre d’Art la Rectoria de Sant Pere de Vilamajor
Days: from January 21 to February 26

As part of the Ferrater Year events commemorating the centenary of his birth and the fiftieth anniversary of his death, the Ateneu Barcelonès and Fundació J. V. Foix organize an event presented by the editor Jordi Cornudella and with the reading of poems by Mireia Calafell.

Day and hour: February 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Place: Sala Oriol Bohigas Ateneu Barcelonès

Here you can see the video.

An anthological tour that explores the dialogue between 125 books and poems published in magazines with 42 works of art in the context of the evolution of modern Catalan poetry from the nineties of the 19th century, with the outbreak of the Symbolist revolution, until end of the Civil War. J. V. Foix is ​​one of the poets present at the exhibition.

Place: Fundació Masó. Ballesteries, 29. Girona
Days: From October 21, 2022 to March 10, 2023

The Choirs of the Madrigal Choir Group, with the JONC, the Escola-Niu Children’s Choir and the Waldorf School’s Children’s Choir pay tribute to choir director Manel Cabero. The program will include the cantata «Ho sap tothom, i és profecia», by J. V. Foix, with music by Narcís Bonet. It was performed for the first time at the Palau at Christmas 1972, with the Sant Jordi choir.

Day and time: January 17, 2023 at 8:30 p.m
Place: Palau de la Música Catalana

The Casa de Cultura of the Diputació de Girona hosts the Art i Paraula exhibition, a traveling exhibition of contemporary art and Catalan poetry.
The looks of artists of different generations discover the poetry of Ausiàs March, Ramon Llull, Joan Oliver, Salvador Espriu, V. A. Estellés, J. V. Foix, Maria Mercè Marçal, Felícia Fuster, Carles Hac Mor, Joan Brossa and Àngels Moreno.

Place: Pl. de l’Hospital, 6, 17002 Girona
Days: From January 10, 2023 to February 10, 2023. From Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Documents propis i texts d’altri

The new book that the Fundació publishes that year contains the contributions that J. V. Foix worked for the Serra d’Or magazine between 1960 and 1962, renewing the old practice of “Meridians”, in the newspaper La Publicitat< /em>, where he did cultural journalism, an activity he dedicated himself to for twenty years, from twenty-three to forty-three.
It is the first time that these collaborations have been collected in one volume. In “Documents propis” he collects opinions of Catalan writers, while in “Texts d’altri” he collects the opinions of foreign authors.

Merry Christmas, by J. V. Foix

La gent s’agleva en la nit dura,
Tots anuncien la ventura,
Les Illes porten el saïm,
I els de l’Urgell, farina pura:
Qui res no té, clarors del cim.
La fe que bull no té captura
                                I no es fa el Pa sense el Llevat:
                                A cal fuster hi ha novetat.
                                                        J. V. Foix, Nadal 1953

The well-known verse of J. V. Foix “It’s when I sleep that I see clearly” illustrate one of the panels in the exhibition Brain(s) at the CCCB, which takes us so deep into the anatomy of the brain as in everything it generates: consciousness, abstract thought, language, imagination, dreams and memory.

During sleep we enter a state of altered consciousness, and although the brain is still active —in fact, activity increases in some areas while we sleep— our perception is greatly reduced.