Màgic moment, Cd with songs from Mercè Torrents
Columna Música has just released a CD with songs by Mercè Torrents (1930 – 2018) about poems by various authors, among which J. V. Foix.
On September 24 at 7:30 p.m. the presentation will take place at the Jardí dels Tarongers, on Carrer de la Ràbida, 5 in Barcelona. The mezzo-soprano Marta Valero and the pianist Daniel Blanch will take part.
It is requested to confirm attendance to merce.corretja@gmail.com
És quan plou que ballo sol, una aproximació a l’obra de Foix
In this book, the writer Aleix Cort approaches Foix’s work from the perspective of dance, which is projected throughout the poet’s work. According to Cort, dance allowed J. V. Foix to deal, with rhythm, with the topics that most interested him: the passage of time, the relationship with women, the importance of the Instant, Love, desire…
This September, Voliana Edicions“>Voliana Edicions has just published it in the Voliac collection.
«Els clàssics catalans i la Renaixença catalana»
In an article that appeared on August 5, 1924 and reproduced in the journal Ara of the same day of 2020, in the section «Abans d’ara» by Josep Ma Casasús, Tomàs Garcés explains that it was J. V. Foix the first who dared to speak of a true Catalan Renaissance: the one represented, among others, by Josep Carner and Carles Riba, and by solid cultural initiatives such as the Fundació Bernat Metge, which will give the Greek and Latin classics in Catalan or the collection «Els Nostres Clàssics».
J. V. Foix at the Grec theater: «Una rosa…»
On June 29, 30 and July 1, the show A tocar! could be seen at the Grec theater in Montjuïc. Among other participants, he had a video by Frederic Amat on the poem «Una rosa amb un ganivet al pit…», recited by J. V. Foix, with the hands of Nico Baixas and edited by Joan Rodón.
The day BTV broadcast it live, J. V. Foix‘s voice could not be heard.
Here you can see and hear the fragment in which Foix recites the poem while the video is being projected.
«A tocar!», espectacle de Baró d’Evel i convidats
Tomorrow at the Teatre Grec de Montjuïc the play A tocar!, by Baró d’Evel will be performed by the first time. With this montage, the company intends to create a moment «in suspension» from which society starts up again and finds a new meaning to life through poetry and, specifically, the poetry by J. V. Foix.
Ceremony masters Camille Decourtye and Blaï Mateu Trias surround themselves with creators of disciplines as varied as artist Frederic Amat, clown Tortell Poltrona, dancer Maria Muñoz, musician Raül Refree, fado singer Lina and actress Imma Colomer.
On Tuesday the 30 at 10.00 pm it can be seen the life show on BTV.
Here you can hear the poem by J. V. Foix, «Una rosa amb un ganivet al pit…».
«Llegir, llegir…»: J. V. Foix’s poetry course
On Mondays 8, 15, 22 and 29 June at 7.30 pm, conducted by Òscar Rocabert, professor of Catalan literature, we will read poems by J. V. Foix from four different books, which we will send to you in advance. We will communicate by video conference.
The price of the set of sessions is € 25, which must be paid to the account number that we will indicate by mail to those who sign up. Only then will you be able to access and participate in the meeting.
Here you can find the registration form.
Artistes per la llibertat: Santi Arisa & Agnès Miralbell
On June 8 at 7:00 p.m. within the project Artistes per la llibertat , Santi Arisa and Agnès Miralbell present a poetic-musical show with a selection of poems by some of the most representative authors of the Catalan Countries, among which are J. V. Foix as well as Pere Quart, Joan Maragall or Marià Manent. The music is from Santi Arisa.
«Ho sap tothom. i és profecia», a Radio Clásica de RTVE
On May 4, in the program «La hora azul» of Radio Clásica, in the section entitled «Cruces en el mapa…», they issued the cantata «Ho sap tothom, i és profecia», created by the composer Narcís Bonet about J. V. Foix‘s poem of the same title.
Here you can listen to the program.
«Criteris i anàlisis de J. V. Foix» in El Temps
In the issue 1870, of April 13, of the magazine El Temps, Ramon Pla i Arxé, University professor and literary critic, publishes an article commenting on the book by J. V. Foix published by the Fundació J. V. Foix and Edicions 62 Noms propis. Escriptors i artistes.
Here you can read the article.
Download pdf.
J. V. Foix translated into German
Issue 161 of the Swiss magazine Lichtungen , sponsored by the municipality of Graz, includes translations of poems in verse and prose by J. V. Foix, carried out by the Literature professor Eberhard Geisler.
One of the objectives of this magazine is to present young writers and artists, although they also publish well-known and established authors. Another one is to make panoramic views of international literature. Authors from Eastern Europe, the United States and Cuba have been presented. This is the first time that Catalan literature has been published.
Here you can read the sonnet «Feu, Senyor Déu, el meu treball més dur» and its translation into German.