«La vila», by J. V. Foix, in English
A translation of J. V. Foix‘s «La vila» by the critic and translator theorist Lawrence Venuti has just appeared in the American magazine World Literature Today.
Here you can read the original text.
J. V. Foix in Manresa, under the guidance of Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of J. V. Foix‘s death, the exhibition «Fem llum al magatzem dels llibres», by Quim Domene, and the animated poems untitled «Desviacions», by Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández will be opened in Manresa.
The journalist Salvador Redó will talk about the relationship between the poet and Manresa.
Site: Biblioteca del Casino. Vestíbul
Dates: from October the 24th to November the 15th
Hours: Mondays from 4 pm to 8.30 pm, Tuesday to Friday from 10 amb to 8.30 pm and Saturdays from 11 am to 7 pm
Here you can download the flyer of «Desviacions».
Here you can download the flyer of «Fem llum al magatzem dels llibres»
See phtographs
A poetical evening with J. V. Foix at the Llar d’Avis de Sant Cugat
Site: Casal d’Avis de la Parròquia. c/ Valldoreix, 9. Sant Cugat
Day and hour: October the 10th at 6 pm.
See photographs
Joan Ponç. Diàbolo
From October the 6th, the retrospective exhibition about Joan Ponç, curated by Pilar Parcerisas, presents the work and the figure of this painter, who was a friend of J. V. Foix‘s and made two artist books with him.
Site: Exhibitions Hall La Pedrera. Passeig de Gràcia, 92
Opening hours: From October the 6th to February the 4th, 2018
Mondays to Sundays, from 10 am to 8 pm
See photographs
«The freedom of choosing one’s own destiny»
On December the 12th 1933, J. V. Foix published an article entitled «La llibertat de triar el propi destí» [The freedom of choosing one’s own destiny] in La Publicitat newspaper. The article finishes by saying, «Only the choice by everyone of one’s own destiny, and the choice, by everybody, of the destiny of the Community, will contribute to the elevation of the Country to the highest categories.»
You can read it here.
J. V. Foix, passionate about planes
Xavier Duran has published the article «J. V. Foix, apassionat dels avions» on the Science page of the newspaper Ara. The article comments on the aesthetic, social and economic possibilities of planes according to J. V. Foix.
If you want to read the article, click here.
J. V. Foix at Torrents de Lladurs
See photographs
«Hematografia», by Arnau Puig, in El Punt Avui
(Català) «Catalunya davant d’Espanya i de França», de J. V. Foix, al diari Ara
On Sunday the 23th July the Ara, in the «Abans d’ara. Peces històriques triades per Josep Maria Casassús» section, has published an article by J. V. Foix that had appeared in Monitor in 1922.
The journalist drew up strategic international proposals for the sovereignty.
«Amb l’ai al cor», by J. V. Foix, at Ara newspaper
On Sunday the 9th July the Ara journal, in the «Abans d’ara. Peces històriques triades per Josep Maria Casassús» section, has published the article by J. V. Foix that had appeared in La Publicitat in 1931.
In neighbour countries there were reluctances regarding the rising Republic and Generalitat.