El Port de la Selva commemora els 30 anys de la mort de Foix
On Saturday 15th April, at 7.30 pm, the poet Carles Camps Mundó will give the lecture “El barret de Foix: una guia de lectura?” at the Sala d’Exposicions, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Foix’s death.
Place: carrer Major, 1 El Port de la Selva
Day and time: April 15th 2017 at 7.30 pm.
«Pensar poesia», de Poètica Còdex
Place: Sala 1 d’exposicions del Centre de Cultura de Ripollet, Rambla de Sant Jordi 2.
Days: 1st to 30th April 2017
Hours: Saturdays from 10 to 13 pm and from 18 to 20 pm. Sundays and from 10 to 14 h.
See photogaphs
J. V. Foix a la Barreteria Mil
Thursday the 30th March, at Barreteria Mil the poets Carles Camps and Jaume Creus will talk about J. V. Foix and will read some of his poems.
Place: Barreteria Mil. Fontanella, 20. Barcelona
Day and hour: March the 30th at 8 pm
To read Carles Camps‘ text, click here.
If you want to see the video click here.
<href=”https://fundaciojvfoix.org/galeria/lectura-foixiana…a-barreteria-mil/>See photographs</a>
Dia mundial de la poesia
Here you can find the poem with which we commemorate this celebration: ONSEVULLA TINC PORT d’On he deixat les claus…
Arnau Puig: Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
Arnau Puig, the Catalan philosopher who represents «intellectual harshness, discipline and emotion», was the teoretician of the Dau al Set group, the members of which were closely linked to J. V. Foix.
Vegeu fotografies
Concert «Foixianes» a Vil·la Joana
It will be performed by pianist Daniel Blanch and soprano Júlia Farrés-Llongueras. Before that, the actor Lluís Soler will recite the sonnets, a poem by Verdaguer and some texts by Foix about Verdaguer and Barcelona.
Place: MUHBA. Vil·la Joana. Ctra. de l’Església, 104. Vallvidrera.
Day and hour: Sunday February 19th at 12 am.
Click here to arrive.
See photographs
Foix’s Recital at Clarà Biblioteque
Exhibition: «Fem llum al magatzem dels llibres», by Quim Domene.
Audiovisual mapping: «Desviacions», by Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández.
Lloc: MUHBA. Vil·la Joana. Ctra. de l’Església, 104. Vallvidrera.
To find out how to get there, please click here.
Day and hour: Sunday the 29th, 11 am.
Vegeu com s’ha fet el vídeo mappingDesviacions.
«Diari 1918» in a Literature Seminar
Place: Calàbria, 75, ppal 2a Barcelona
Days: Every Thurday from January the 9th to April the 6th
Hour: From 7.00 pm to 21.00 pm
How the Nativity Scene was made
The artists who took part in it are Quim Domene and Toti Toronell, both from d’Olot, as well as Norbe Fernández.
Please click here to see the video.