

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat has just published the book Poemes per a una verge to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the coronation of Our Lady of Montserrat image, on the occasion of which was published a book of poems dedicated to the Virgin. There is an extract of the poem entitled VENC VIDRES ALS VIDENTS PELS POBLES I HOSTALS DE MAR… by J.V. Foix.

The book includes a CD with the 28 poems recited by the actress Gemma Reguant.


Dins del Primer Festival de Pasqua of Cervera, el cor Madrigal, sota la direcció de Mireia Barrera, interpretarà el poema “Jo tem la nit” de J.V. Foix, musicat per Benet Casablancas, estrenat el 2009 a Barcelona pel Cor de Cambra de Música Catalana.

Diumenge 24 d’abril a les 17.00 h. al Paranimf de la Universitat de Cervera.
Pça. de la Universitat s/n. Cervera
Entrada: 15 euros

Per a més informació

In the Metropolitan review of April, in the article “Against all odds” is reproduced a part of the poem “El meu país és un roc” by J.V. Foix, with the English translation by David H. Rosenthal.




See article

J.V. Foix Quartet

The 13th April, in the Ateneu Barcelonès, the actors Artur Trias and Jaume Comas will present the J.V. Foix Quartet performance. They will be accompanied on the viola by Bernat Bofarull, and on the viola, and on the violin by Joan Orpella.

Wednesday 13th April at 19.30
Ateneu Barcelonès
Canuda, 6
08002 Barcelona

Limited capacity. Admission free

More information

The 6th April 2011 at the Centre Cívic de Sarrià the actor Quim Lecina and the compositor Joan-Carles Martínez present the Cròniques de l’ultrason and L’Estació by J.V. Foix.

Enrique Badosa, J.V. Foix’s translator, will present the book.

Wednesday 6th Abril 18.30
Eduardo Conde, 22-24
08034 Barcelone

More information

See photos

J.V. Foix Digital Library

Gertrudis 2Thanks to an agreement with the Càtedra Màrius Torres, we can now access the digitalized versions of the first editions of Foix’s essays and works of poetry directly from the J.V. Foix Foundation web site. These reproductions allow us to view often unavailable volumes of extraordinary typographic beauty.

View this digital volumes in J.V. Foix Digital Library in the J.V. Foix section.

L’Argus del mes de febrer de Mercè Ibarz dedica el seu podcast a “És quan dormo que hi veig clar” de J.V. Foix. Argus. núm. 17 del 15 de febrer del 2011.

Argus és una publicació mensual, creada el mes de juliol de 2009, que selecciona els millors continguts de i sobre cultura catalana i literatura en general, publicats a Internet i es troba dins de Lletra. Literatura catalana a Internet.

Ballet Ariel. Assaig The ballet Ariel is presented for the first time ever in a single session on 29th Jan and a double session on 30th, in the Auditorium in Valls. The libretto is by J.V. Foix, the set and wardrobe by Joan Miró and the music by Valls’s own Robert Gerhard.

The ballet has never been shown before because the Spanish Civil War broke out the year in which it was created. Seventy-five years later, the Amics de la Música de Valls have promoted the production and have included it in the Alt Camp’s Capital’s 10-year Festival. This new show is aided by the Robert Gerhard Center.

More information

J.V. Foix. “Ariel. Idees per a un ballet”. Musica Viva nº 2. Bruxelles, 1936.


The 29th January there will be a poetic recital about J.V. Foix. Enric Casasses, Blanca Llum, Andreu Subirats and Diego Burián (guitar), Magda Guillén, Andrés Balil and Orlando Guillén will take part in it.

The recital will take place in Torre Amat, in Duquessa d’Orleans, 9, at Sarrià, at 7 afternoon. The capacity is limited.

See photos

Univ_experienOn the 22nd of December a group of students from the UB Universitat de l’Experiència, enrolled to the subject “Documents personals: Organització, Conservació i Ús” (Personal Papers: Organization, Conservation and Use), imparted by Professor Maria Elvira Silleras, visited the Fundació J.V. Foix in order to see how the archive is organized and to consult some of its documents.