
A course consisting of reading some poetic texts by Verdaguer, Alcover, Maragall, Carner, Sagarra, Espriu, Palau i Fabre, Marçal and J. V. Foix begins on April 25 at the University of Barcelona, by the university professor and editor of Fragmenta Ignasi Moreta.

Days and hours: April 25 to July 4, 2022, Monday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Place: Barcelona – IL3 – Universitat de Barcelona

Here is the link to enroll.

The Associació Joan Manén organizes a recital for voice and piano, by the mezzo Marta Valero and the pianist Daniel Blanch</ a>. They will present a selection from the album Màgic moment, edited by Columna Musica, with songs by Mercè Torrents about poems, among others, by J. V. Foix. The concert will be presented by Albert Ferrer Flamerich.

Day and time: April 20 at 7:00 p.m.
Place: Sala Mompou (Passeig Colom 6 de Barcelona)

«Molts i ningú»

In this book Clara Ponsatí chronicles her life and academic career and her political commitment over the years, as well as the first-hand account of a decisive moment of recent history.
The title «Molts i ningú» (Many and No One) is part of a verse by J. V. Foix, who had been a friend of Ponsatí’s uncle since childhood, the Noucentista painter Josep Obiols.

Here tou can read the whole poem.

International Poetry Day

Unesco declared March 21 World Poetry Day. This year, Gabriel Ferrater’s poem “Si puc” has been chosen to commemorate the centenary of his birth and the fiftieth anniversary of his death.ages.
This year we participate in the celebration with the poem by J. V. Foix dedicated to Ferrater.
Here you can read the poem «Tots hi serem al Port amb la Desconeguda».
«Si puc», by Gabriel Ferrater.

Within the VIII Cycle of music Dones i compositores, in the Teatre de Sarrià you can hear the songs composed by Mercè Torrents based, among others, im poems by J. V. Foix. With soprano Marta Valero and pianist Daniel Blanch, these songs were recorded in 2021 on CD «Màgic moment», published by Columna Música.

Place: Teatre de Sarrià, Pare Miquel de Sarrià, 8
Day and hour: Friday 11 March 8.00 pm

A new volume of the Història de la Literatura Catalana has already been published, covering from 1922 to 1959, directed by Jordi Marrugat and Jordi Castellanos. J. V. Foix is ​​studied by the professor of literature and author of the thesis “Del diari 1918”, Joan R. Veny-Mesquida.
This is the seventh volume of the eight planned, which constitute a collective work that represents the current academic knowledge of the subject.

The creative prose of J. V. Foix

At the Ona bookstore in Barcelone, the poet and literary critic Ricard Mirabete will give a workshop on the creative prose of J. V. Foix</ strong>, in which, among others, he will deal with the prose poem, memorial prose, surrealism and the contact between art and poetry.

Place: Llibreria Ona, Gran de Gràcia, 217, Barcelona
Date and time: February 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Next Sunday, February 13, at the Centre Experimental de les Arts de Vallgrassa, the video «Les dites dels dits» (J. V. Foix ha dit) will be screened in the Carles Hac Mor room. The video is performed by Ester Xargay, with the voice of J. V. Foix and the fingers of Carles Hac Mor.

Likewise, the painting exhibitions by Glòria Izquierdo, photography, Susana Gutiérrez and the work of Rosa Grau will be inaugurated. The exhibitions can be visited until March 20.

Days and hours: From January 16 to March 20, 2022, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Place: Centre Experimental de les Arts de Vallgrassa, ctra. del Ratpenat a la Plana Novella, Km 6,5 Begues

In the book Miró i els poetes catalans Vicenç Altaió explores the collaboration between the painter and nine Catalan poets, including J. V. Foix. In addition to analyzing the shared work between Miró and the different authors, Altaió focuses on the human relationship they maintained. At the end of 2021, five years after the publication of the book in large format, Univers Art publishes a paperback edition.

«L’aventura del llenguatge. Miró i els poetes catalans», by Cesca Castellví Llavina in TempsdelesArts.

Here you can read the Joan Burdeus’s interview with Vicenç Altaió published in Núvol.

In the blog negritasycursivas, dedicated to books and publishing history, Josep Mengual, a professor with extensive knowledge of editorial tasks, consecrates the last post of 2021 to JV Foix and the enigma surrounding the publication date of Sol, i de dol , one of the best known books of the poet.
Published in L’Amic de les Arts in 1947, the imprint reads 1936. A trick to avoid censorship or were the poems written «in 1913, 1916, 1918-1923 and in 1927»?
Here you can read it.