The name of Gertrudis is present in the prose poems of J. V. Foix. It already appears in the “Poema de Sitges”, published in the magazine Terramar (1919-1920) and is the title of his first book, published in 1927. In the books that make up the Diari 1918 Gertrudis disappears and reappears in the last one, Cròniques de l’ultrason(1985).
In one of the journeys in Mercè Rodoreda’s Viatges i flors, a little girl explains to the narrator that when one girl gets lost, in the village they give a doll the lost girl’s name and they make it into the patron saint of the village. The girl in question ends up saying: “My name is Gertrudis”. More than a wink from Rodoreda to Foix, it’s a nudge, says Enric Casasses in the Quadern on El País of October 7.
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