At 19.30 pm, in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Foix’s death, at the Sala Hortensi Güell, Jordi Cornudella and Enrique Badosa, editor and translator of the author of Sol, i de dol, will talk about him. The event will end with Montserrat Auqué reciting some of Foix’s poems.
Opening date: October the 25th
Exhibition dates: From th 25th October to the 15th November
Site: Centre de Lectura de Reus. Hall of the Bartrina Theatre and Lecture Hall Hortensi Güell
Opening hour of the “In Foix’s shade” exhibition: 19.00. At 19.30, talk about J. V. Foix
More information
“In Foix’s shade” by Poètica Còdex