The Centre of Reading in Reus commemorates J. V. Foix’s death

The 25th October, at 7 pm, at the hall of the Teatre Bartrina in the Centre de Lectura de Reus, the exhibition “In Foix’s shade” will be opened. “In Foix’s shade” is an artist’s book proposal whose works are inspired in J. V. Foix’s texts.
At 19.30 pm, in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Foix’s death, at the Sala Hortensi Güell, Jordi Cornudella and Enrique Badosa, editor and translator of the author of Sol, i de dol, will talk about him. The event will end with Montserrat Auqué reciting some of Foix’s poems.

Opening date: October the 25th
Exhibition dates: From th 25th October to the 15th November
Site: Centre de Lectura de Reus. Hall of the Bartrina Theatre and Lecture Hall Hortensi Güell
Opening hour of the “In Foix’s shade” exhibition: 19.00. At 19.30, talk about J. V. Foix

More information
“In Foix’s shade” by Poètica Còdex

See photographs