The Quartet Foix consists of Jaume Comas and Artur Trias (actors) and Bernat Bofarull and Joan Orpella (musicians).
Date and time: July 26th, 10:30 p.m.
Place: L’Alfolí de la Sal, l’Escala.
Price: 10 €
The Quartet Foix consists of Jaume Comas and Artur Trias (actors) and Bernat Bofarull and Joan Orpella (musicians).
Date and time: July 26th, 10:30 p.m.
Place: L’Alfolí de la Sal, l’Escala.
Price: 10 €
margaridatriasJanuary 22January 22
” width=”110″ height=”110″>On Saturday 1 February, the library in Sarrià will be inaugurated, which will be called J. V. Foix. Throughout the day there will be a...
margaridatriasJanuary 8January 8
This new publication of Les irreals omegues contains a study by Segimon Serrallonga presented by Jaume Coll Mariné as well as a complement of twenty-one poems...
margaridatriasDecember 18December 18
Si fos pilot de passatge, I vencés el Temps i els vents, I a la ratlla del coratge, D’un Més Enllà fes imatge Amb Terra i Cel romanents, Per Vós faria...
Feu, Senyor Déu, el meu treball més dur...
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