In this second part of the article that Miriam Ruiz-Ruano published in the digital magazine of literary criticism La lectora the author proposes us a second example of rewriting from Petrarch’s Canzoniere.
Here you can read it.
In this second part of the article that Miriam Ruiz-Ruano published in the digital magazine of literary criticism La lectora the author proposes us a second example of rewriting from Petrarch’s Canzoniere.
Here you can read it.
margaridatriasDecember 18December 18
Si fos pilot de passatge, I vencés el Temps i els vents, I a la ratlla del coratge, D’un Més Enllà fes imatge Amb Terra i Cel romanents, Per Vós faria...
margaridatriasDecember 3December 3
On Friday, November 29 at 7:00 p.m., a reading club led by literature professor Òscar Rocabert took place at the Antoni Tort library in Castellar del...
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L’Amic de les Arts was the first avant-garde publication in Catalonia and a cultural reference in the first half of the 20th century. Published in Sitges...
Ho sap tothom, i és profecia.
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