Mugada Music and Poetry Festival

The 9th August 2011 took place the Mugada first festival of music and poetry in Sant Llorenç de la Muga (Alt Empordà). Organised by Jordi Cantenys and Víctor Bonet, the festival was successful. It began with the reading of two poems by J.V. Foix by Jordi Madern, president of the Fundació.

Below you can find the two poems by J.V. Foix:

Oh! Si prudent i amb paraula lleugera…


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Mugada. Music and Poetry Festival

Place: Sant Llorenç de la Muga (Alt Empordà)
Date: 9th August 2011
Hour: 18.00

Organised by Jordi Cantenys and Víctor Bonet.
Performances by: Joan Serra, Maite Mòdol and Esteve Sabater “Del Llibre de la vida”. Sabine Dufrenoy and Hermann Bonnín with “Ronda Rimbaud”, Mariona Sagarra with “Lent, lent…, corrent!”, Joanjo Bosk, Toti Soler, Roger Mas Trio and Pau Riba.

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