“Llibres a l’atac” is a daily 1-minute microspace that aims to promote and recommend 45 titles of Catalan Literature and is carried out by Josep Maria Martorell in the production and Enric Gomà,who is in charge of the script and direction.
“Llibres a l’atac” is a daily 1-minute microspace that aims to promote and recommend 45 titles of Catalan Literature and is carried out by Josep Maria Martorell in the production and Enric Gomà,who is in charge of the script and direction.
margaridatriasJanuary 22January 22
” width=”110″ height=”110″>On Saturday 1 February, the library in Sarrià will be inaugurated, which will be called J. V. Foix. Throughout the day there will be a...
margaridatriasJanuary 8January 8
This new publication of Les irreals omegues contains a study by Segimon Serrallonga presented by Jaume Coll Mariné as well as a complement of twenty-one poems...
margaridatriasDecember 18December 18
Si fos pilot de passatge, I vencés el Temps i els vents, I a la ratlla del coratge, D’un Més Enllà fes imatge Amb Terra i Cel romanents, Per Vós faria...
Feu, Senyor Déu, el meu treball més dur...
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