Born in Sarrià (Barcelona), on the 28th of January.
Attends the municipal school run by D. Salvador Mundi, master of the came, where he creates the newspaper Lo Català along with Josep Obiols.
Writes in a En Patufet, where he tends to use a pseudonym.
He begins his oeuvre in the guise of a diary in notebooks with black oilcloth covers. He enters the university in the Faculty of Law. His zeal for reading the classics, along with a spiritual crisis and a crisis in orientation influence his decision to quit school in his second year. He works in a typographic letter foundry purchased by his father.
He forges his first contact with the French and Italian avant-garde movements.
Thanks to his friendship with Joaquim Folguera, he starts contributing to La Revista, edited by Josep M. López Picó. He meets Joan Miró, with whom he would forge a close friendship.
He starts his visits to Sitges, where he meets Josep Carbonell i Gener. He edits the last editions of the avant-garde magazine Trossos. Before him it had been edited by Josep M. Junoy.
He is part of the editorial staff of La Cònsola a magazin from Sarrià where several of his contributions appear, although not always under his own name. Thanks to his mediation, the magazine publishes contributions from other poets, including Riba, Carner and Ventura Gassol.
He publishes “El poema de Catalunya” in La Cònsola. This is one of the few visual poems he left.
He serves as editor-in-chief of the magazine Monitor along with Josep Carbonell i Gener.
He is a member of the group that founds Acció Catalana, and he writes the first few editions of the newsletter.
He begins to contribute to the newspaper La Publicitat, where he would write until 1936.
He opens the Foix confectionary in Plaza de Sarrià.
He starts his stays in Port de la Selva, where Alexandre Plana, Josep M. de Sagarra and other writers were already going.
He meets Salvador Dalí.
He contributes to Revista de Poesia.
He joins the editorial staff of L’Amic de les Arts from Sitges.
Presentation of the Salvador Dalí exhibition in Galeries Dalmau on Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia.
Publication of his first book of poems in prose, Gertrudis, which Joan Miró illustrates with an original drawing.
He marries Victòria Gili i Serra. The couple separates in 1948.
KRTU, his second book, appears. He takes part in founding the group ADLAN (Amics de l’Art Nou).
Catalan delegate to the PEN CLUB Congress which is held in Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia).
Along with Josep Carbonell he publishes Revolució Catalanista, a series of articles that express both authors’ political ideas. He serves as the editor-in-chief in the third stage of the Revista de Catalunya.
Becomes the editor of the literary page of La Publicitat. He alternates signing articles using his real name and Fòcius and other pseudonyms.
Along with Carles Riba, Tomàs Garcés, Marià Manent and Joan Teixidor he founds the magazine Quaderns de Poesia.
He contributes to Poesia, the magazine edited by Josep Palau i Fabre.
He contributes to the magazine Ariel.
Presentation at the Centre Excursionista “Els Blaus de Sarrià” of the exhibition on Joan Ponç, Tort, Puig and Boadella.
With the date of 1936, he publishes the book of sonnets Sol, i de dol, which over the years will become paradigmatic.
Contributes to the magazine published by the group Dau al Set of the same name.
J.V. Foix’s most cryptic book Les irreals omegues, appears. The majority of the poems refer to the Civil War and the post-war period.
He attends the Poetry Congress of Segovia with other Catalan poets. Embarks on a friendship with Vicente Aleixandre.
He participates in the Poetry Congress of Salamanca. Publishes a new book of poems: On he deixat les claus.
He publishes some of the poems started in 1911 under the title Del Diari de 1918, with a prologue by Josep Romeu Figueras.
Poetry Congress of Formentor.
In the book Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any he compiles the Christmas poems that he sent to his friends.
He is named member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Philology Section.
He receives the Lletra d’Or or the publication of this book. He contributes anonymously to the magazine Serra d’Or.
He is named full member of the l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Philology Section.
He presides over the Catalan delegation that attends the COMES Congress (Comunità Europea degli Scrittori) in Florence.
L’estrella d’En Perris appears, where he pursues the style of poems in prose, which are part of the Del Diari de 1918 project.
He publishes the volume Obres poètiques his complete poems and prose, where he includes as the prologue “Lletra a Clara Sobirós”, the utmost expression of his poetics. He also adds the poems that are part of the book Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix as well as other hitherto unpublished poems.
He publishes Catalans de 1918, literary portraits of his masters and contemporaries, with a prologue by Joan Colomines. Escenificació de cinc poemes appears, a book where he adapts five poems from L’estrella d’En Perris for the theatre. The illustrations in this edition are by Pla-Narbona.
He is awarded the National Prize for Catalan Literature.
In Els lloms transparents he compiles the articles he published in La Publicitat. The prologue is written by Gabriel Ferrater.
He publishes arrer Comunicat, a new book of poems from Del Diari de 1918. Allò que no diu La Vanguardia appears, a book made up of his prose piecesfrom the “Telegrames” section of the La Publicitat in addition to new brief poems. La pell de la pell
He publishes Mots i maons o cascú el seu, a book of thoughts on poetry and architecture.
Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix is published in a volume of its own. A new book of poems in prose is released: Tocant a mà. The cantata “A cal fuster hi ha novetat” is launched at the Palau de la Música Catalana. Text by J.V. Foix and music by Narcís Bonet.
He turns 80 years old an embarks on a stage of unanimous acclaim. He wins the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes.
FAD (Foment de les Arts Decoratives) grants him the Medal of Honour. He publishes 97 notes sobre ficcions poncianes illustrated by Joan Ponç. The first volume of his complete works is released: Obres Completes. Poesia. It has an introduction by Pere Gimferrer.
He serves as the honorary president of the PEN Club in Barcelona.
The second volume of his complete works is released: Obres Completes. Prosa.
He receives the Serra d’Or Critic’s award. The Barcelona Town Hall awards him the City’s Golden Medal.
The Generalitat de Catalunya grants him the Golden Medal.
The French government decorates him and names him a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. The Universidad de Barcelona grants him the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa. L’Estació appears, with engravings by Antoni Tàpies. He is awarded the Premio Nacional de las Letras for his entire oeuvre.
He wins the Ciutat de Barcelona prize for his last book, Cròniques de l’Ultrason.
He dies on the 29th of January. He had turned 94 years old the day before.
A l'endeví vaig per falsa drecera...
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