Como dice Enrique Badosa en el epilogo, «De la correspondencia entre los que saben escribir (…) siempre obtendremos la plenitud de la serena belleza de la palabra bien pulsada.»
The origin of the recordings is mainly due to the American Hispanicist and Catalanophile Patricia J. Boehne, who, in the summers of the years 1974 and 1977, visited the poet in Port de la Selva.
She, as director of North American Catalan Society, and together with some others Catalanophiles, as David Rosenthal, has promoted the candidature of poet Foix to Nobel Prize.
Therefore, this book is a tribute to Patricia J. Boehne, the English translator of part of the work by Foix, which so much has contributed to spread the knowledge of Foix in the Anglo-Saxon world.
In Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any, published in 1960, J.V. Foix gathered together the poems that he had been sending his friends for Christmas between 1948 and 1958.
In the original poems, each one is accompanied by an illustration rendered by Foix’s friends just for the occasion, all of them renowned artists such as Dalí, Mompou, Ponç, Guinovart, Obiols, Cuixart, Tàpies, Mercader, Sunyer, Galí, Fenosa and Miró.
In this book that was just published, the poems appear for the first time with these illustrations. Furthermore, the music group Poetristas, made up of Albert Vila, Marc Serrats and Francesc Ribera “Titot”, have put these compositions to music, yet another step in the appropriation of works by authors and on behalf of popular culture. The book was published jointly by Eumo Editorial, Propaganda pel Fet and the Fundació J.V. Foix
Every year since 2000, the Fundació J. V. Foix, in conjunction with the Edicions 62 publishing house, has published a book edited by Jordi Cornudella, with a CD included in order to share the Foundation’s phonographic collection that preserves the poet’s voice. The titles that have been released to date are:
Les irreals omegues (2024)
Cap mà no em diu adéu (2023)
Documents propis i texts d’altri (2022)
Allò que no diu La Vanguardia (2021)
Entre llibres i llibres. Correspondència 1935-1983) (2020)
Noms propis. Escriptors i artistes (2019)
Els lloms transparents (2018)
Ho sap tothom, i és profecia (2017)
Oh, si prudent i amb paraula lleugera (2016)
Correspondència (1952-1985), J. V. Foix / Albert Manent (2015) Coedició amb Quaderns Crema.
Amb mots de ben copsar (2014)
Amb versos de vacances (2013)
Res no és moridor, tot és etern (2012)
Cada poeta és ell (2011)
No pesquis mai amb els ormeigs d’un altre (2009)
Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any (2008)
Una sola bandera (2007)
Més enllà dels preceptes (2006)
És quan dormo que hi veig clar (2004)
A la terra dels meus (2003)
En ritmes vells i sons arcaics (2002)
Els veïns del meu carrer (2001)
En el dia més clar de l’any (2000)
Likewise, in 2008 the Foundation, in conjunction with Eumogràfic publishing house from the Universitat de Vic and Propaganda pel Fet, published the book Onze Nadals i un cap d’any, accompanied by a CD with the poems set to music by the group Poetristes de Vic, as well as the drawings that originally accompanied each of these poems.
The Fundació has also published the following books:
A Joana Givanel (Quaderns Crema, 1997) and Conte de Nadal (Edicions 62, 2004), in bilingual edition.
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