
Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant, rapsode, and Anna Alemany, pianista
Biblioteca Clarà. Dr. Carulla, 24-26. Barcelona

Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant, actress, and Anna Alemany, piano
Sant Sadurní Church. La Coma i la Pedra.
«A la terra dels meus. Week-end at the region of Solsonès.»

Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant, actress, and Anna Alemany, piano
Ateneu de Cultura Popular. L’Hospitalet del Llobregat
Commemoration of the 25 anniversary of J. V. Foix’s death

J. V. Foix Quartet. “Poesia concertant en clau de sol, i de do(l)”
Jaume Comas and Artur Trias, rapsodes, Bernat Bofarull and Joan Orpella, músics
Sala del Ball. Moll d’en Balleu. El Port de la Selva
Commemoration of the 25 anniversary of J. V. Foix’s death

Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant and Anna Alemany
Clarà Library. Barcelona
Commemoration of the 25 anniversary of J. V. Foix’s death

J. V. Foix Quartet
Bernat Bofarull, Jaume Comas, Maria Sanz, Artur Trias
Teatre Sagarra. Santa Coloma de Gramanet

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J. V. Foix Quartet

Day: 22nd October 21.00
Teatre Sagarra
Sala Miquelet
Lluís Companys, 27
08921 Santa Coloma de Gramenet






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Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant and Anna Alemany
Auditori de l’Escola de Música

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Un tast de Foix

Place: Auditori de l’Escola de Música
Date: Wednesday 22nd June 2011 at 20.00
Address: Plaça del Silenci. La Garriga (a prop de l’Estació)

Organised by Òmnium Cultural, La Garriga Town Hall and the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.
Corpus La Garriga. 26 de juny del 2011.
Fulletó del recital
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J. V. Foix Quartet
Jaume Comas and Artur Trias, actors, Bernat Bofarull on the viola, and Joan Orpella, on the violin
Ateneu Barcelonès. Barcelone.

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The 13th April, in the Ateneu Barcelonès, the actors Artur Trias and Jaume Comas will present the J.V. Foix Quartet performance. They will be accompanied on the viola by Bernat Bofarull, and on the viola, and on the violin by Joan Orpella.

Wednesday 13th April at 19.30
Ateneu Barcelonès
Canuda, 6
08002 Barcelona

Limited capacity. Admission free

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Poetic evening J.V. Foix
Enric Casasses, Cinta Massip, Andreu Subirats i Diego Burian (guitarra), Magda Guillén, Andrés Balil i Orlando Guillén
Torre Amat de Sarrià. Barcelona.

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The 29th January there will be a poetic recital about J.V. Foix. Enric Casasses, Blanca Llum, Andreu Subirats and Diego Burián (guitar), Magda Guillén, Andrés Balil and Orlando Guillén will take part in it.

The recital will take place in Torre Amat, in Duquessa d’Orleans, 9, at Sarrià, at 7 afternoon. The capacity is limited.

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Cròniques de l’ultrason
Quim Lecina and Joan-Carles Martínez
Termes Orion de Santa Coloma de Farners

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Cròniques de l’ultrason

On 9th July, there will be a second performance at the Orion Spa in Santa Coloma de Farners.

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Cròniques de l’ultrason
Quim Lecina and Joan-Carles Martínez
Termes Orion de Santa Coloma de Farners

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Recital: Cròniques de l’ultrason

Cròniques de l'ultrason. Girona
On 30th June 2010, in the cloisters of the Centro Cultural de la Mercè, in Girona, the actor Quim Lecina read J. V. Foix’ “Cròniques de l’ultrason” accompanied on the guitar by Joan Carles Martínez playing music of his own composition.

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Marató poètica en homenatge a J.V. Foix: L’estrany no m’és estrany
Catalònia Bookshop from Barcelona

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Marató poètica en homenatge a J.V. Foix

Place: Llibreria Catalònia
Date: 15 May 2010
Hour: from 10.00 am to 20.00 pm
Address: Ronda de Sant Pere, 3 Barcelona

Marató poètica J.V. Foix
Lligat amb la celebració de Barcelona Poesia, la llibreria Catalonia de Barcelona, celebra la tradicional Marató poètica, que aquest any està dedicada a J.V. Foix. El director de l’orquestra és el poeta Jordi Valls.

La Marató poètica dedicada a J. V. Foix comença a les 10 del matí i acaba a les 8 del vespre. Tothom pot anar-hi a recitar, i l’única cosa que ha de fer és inscriure-s’hi prèviament. Si voleu llegir J.V. Foix el dia 15 de maig només cal que aneu a l’enllaç de Facebook de la Marató i us hi apunteu, o bé que truqueu al telèfon 93 481 33 10 o bé envieu un missatge a o a

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Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant and Anna Alemany
El Magatzem theatre. Tarragona

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Un tast de Foix

Venue: El Magatzem Theatre
Date: 24th April 2010
Hour: 19.00
Address: Fortuny, 23 Tarragona

Organized by the Servei Lingüístic de CCOO de Tarragona, the Unitat de Lletres de l’Àrea de Cultura i Servei de Política Lingüística de l’Àrea de Patrimoni Historicoartístic i Normalització Lingüística of the Tarragona Council and the Fundació J.V. Foix. This poetry reading is a part of the Primavera literària.
Information leaflet

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Cròniques de l’ultrason
Quim Lecina and Joan-Carles Martínez
Espai Brossa

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Cròniques de l’ultrason

Venue: Espai Brossa
Date: 16th February 2010
Hour: 19.00
Address: Plaça Allada i Vermell, 13 08003 Barcelona
Tel.: (34) 93 310 13 64

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Cròniques de l’ultrason
Quim Lecina and Joan-Carles Martínez
Sala Quadra. Santa Maria de Palautordera

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Cròniques de l’ultrason

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Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant and Anna Alemany
Jazz Cava de Terrassa
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Un tast de Foix

Un tast de Foix

Actress Gemma Reguant recites her own selection of poems by J.V. Foix, accompanied by Anna Alemany on piano, who interprets works by Frederic Mompou, Xavier Monsalvatge and J. M. Mestres Quadreny.

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Venue: Jazz Cava de Terrassa
Date: 1th December 2009
Time: 20.00
Address: Teatre, 2 08221 Terrassa
Tel.: 93 268 78 78

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Un tast de Foix
Gemma Reguant and Anna Alemany
Museu de la Xocolata

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Un tast de Foix

Museu de la Xocolata: 14th May 2009 7.30 pm

Actress Gemma Reguant will recite her own selection of poems by J.V. Foix, accompanied by Anna Alemany on piano. The session will be introduced by Foix’s editor Jordi Cornudella. During this evening the audience will be treated to a tasteful assortment of cakes by Pastisseria Foix de Sarrià.

Venue: Museu de la Xocolata
Date: 14th May 2009
Time: 19.30
Address: Comerç, 36. 08036 Barcelona
Tel.: (34) 93 268 78 78

Recital "Un tast de Foix"Recital "Un tast de Foix" (2)

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Palau de la Música Catalana
Festival de Nadal RAC1

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Palau de la Música Catalana

On the 24th of December 2008 the radio station RAC 1 broadcast live from the Palau de la Música Catalana a special Christmas programme conducted by Jordi Basté. The interventions included Queco Novell reciting J.V. Foix’s poem Tothom ho sap i es profecia.

Queco Novell

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Ateneu Barcelonès
Jordi Galves

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Ateneu Barcelonès

Organiser: Ateneu Barcelonès
Day and time: 13/12/2008 – 6pm
Venue : Sala Pompeu Fabra
Price: Free of charge

Readings and comments on 20th century Catalan novels: Diari 1918, de J.V. Foix. A lecture and group reading session coordinated by Jordi Galves, a literary critic, who will hold a monthly session to delve into some of the leading contemporary Catalan novels. A look at the most recent canonical narrative from a novel, aesthetic and personal perspective, far from ideological clichés and methodological fads.

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La ventada del somni
Cinta Massip i Joan Díaz

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La ventada del somni

Texts by J.V.Foix
Selection of texts and voice: Cinta Massip
Music and piano: Joan Díaz

J.V. Foix (Sarrià, Barcelona, 1893-1987)
Being many and nobody. In the early 21st century, the diverse and original oeuvre of J.V. Foix seems like an essential synthesis of the most important aesthetic and literary movements that have crossed our era, and at the same time as an exceptional testimony to the most outstanding historical events that marked the 20th century. The poetry and verbal art of the poet from Sarrià opens up to us a wonderful, lovely universe that shines beyond time.

Recital - La ventada del somni

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Cròniques de l’ultrason
Sònia Prats i Enric Serra

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Cròniques de l’ultrason

On the 23rd of April 2008, as part of the “Cultura en viu” festival at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, poems froms Cròniques de l’ultrason and L’Estació were recited. The poems were read by Sònia Prats and Enric Serra, accompanied by Marc Farré on the flute, who composed the music specially for these texts.

swf_icon Program Cròniques de l’ultrason. UAB. 23.04.08

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