“A Rose with a Knife on its Bosom…”
Poem read by Jerome Rothenberg. Hands: Nico Baixas Translator: Mary Ann Newman Edition: Joan Rodón Directed by: Frederic Amat
“Dibuixar és…”. Script by Montse Ginesta and Jordi Teixidó. Production by Jordi Teixidó.
“És quan dormo que hi veig clar“, by J.V. Foix
Montserrat Auqué, from the group En Veu Alta, recites the poem by J.V. Foix “És quan dormo que hi veig clar”. The video is illustrated with images of the Polish surrealist artist Jacek Yerka.
Centre de Lectura de Reus
“Sol, i de dol” and “Si pogués acordar raó i follia”, by J.V. Foix
Montserrat Auqué, from the group En Veu Alta, recites a sonet from Sol, i de dol and the poem “Si pogués acordar raó i follia”. The poems are illustrated with etching images by Joan Ponç, the surrealist artist from the Dau al set group, collected in the exhibition La pell de la pell organized by the Fundació Carulla in the Museu de la vida rural in 2007.
“Sol, i de dol”
FX Arnau plays the piano inspired by the poem “Sol, i de dol” by J.V. Foix.
“Va ser diumenge passat, a les tres de la tarda…”
espaifi: Video exercice: clip about a prose poem by J.V. Foix recited by the own poet from the book Més enllà dels preceptes.
Barcelona: Edicions 62 and Fundació J.V. Foix, 2006, CD 12, p. 51.
The sound material has been registered in a commented reading by the poet.
The prose poem is from KRTU (1932), from the section “Ombres darrere els lilàs”.
“Ho sap tothom i és profecia”
Vicente Monera: “Ho sap tothom, i és profecia” by J. V. Foix.
Jaume Calatayud and Vicente Monera.
M'enamora el traç segur / Amb la color que l'aviva...
© 2025 Fundació JV Foix