From January the 19th to April the 6th the Bloom School will carry out the seminar entitled «Del plagi entès com una de les belles arts» [Plagiarism as a Fine Art], in which one of the proposed readings is J. V. Foix‘s Diari 1918. The seminar includes ten different items and will be taught by Manel Ollé.

Place: Calàbria, 75, ppal 2a Barcelona
Days: Every Thurday from January the 9th to April the 6th
Hour: From 7.00 pm to 21.00 pm

How the Nativity Scene was made

Norbe Fernández has edited a video he recorded during the process of building the Nativity Scene, inspired by the J. V. Foix’s poem «Ho sap tothom i és profecia».

The artists who took part in it are Quim Domene and Toti Toronell, both from d’Olot, as well as Norbe Fernández.

Please click here to see the video.

On December the 19th there will be the presentation of the book Oh, si prudent i amb paraula lleugera…, by J. V. Foix. We will have the participation of Enrique Badosa and Laureà Bonet. Both of them had interviewed J. V. Foix.

Organized by the Fundació J. V. Foix
Date: December the 19th at 7.30 pm
Where: Aula dels Escriptors de l’ACEC. Ateneu Barcelonès. Canuda, 6, 5th floor.

See photographs

Oh, si prudent i amb paraula lleugera… includes twenty-eight interviews of J. V. Foix which appeared in press, newspapers and reviews, or in books, from 1954 to 1987. Three of the latest ones were published posthumously.

The interviews of the book are a selection the forty we have found till today.

The 2016 Nativity Scene of the Barcelona Town Council is inspired by the J. V. Foix’s poem «Ho sap tothom i és profecia», and has been reinterpreted by the artists Quim Domene and Toti Toronell, both from Olot.

The Nativity Scene consists of nine transparent balls, each of which matches with a stanza of the poem. The Three Wise Men are embodied by J. V. Foix, Joan Miró and Pau Casals. The installation also contains three images (the Virgin, the Infant Jesus and Saint Joseph) borrowed from the Sants d’Olot Museum.

You can find the whole poem here.

On Tuesday 29th November, composer Rafael Ferrer’s CD «L’abril ha florit» will be presented at the Sala de l’Orfeó Català of the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona.

This CD, puslished by La Mà de Guido, includes six compositions based on six sonnets by J. V. Foix and performed by Daniel Blanch at the piano and the soprano Júlia Farrés-Llongueras. Journalist and musicologist Xavier Chavarría will be the master of ceremonies.

Place: Sala de l’Orfeó Català, Palau de la Música Catalana
Day and Hour: November the 29th, 6.30 pm

In issue 52 of L’Espill magazine, edited by Publicacions de la Universitat de València, there is an article written by Gaspar Jaén, professor of the Alacant University, and Marco Lucchini, from the Politecnico di Milan.

In 1933 J. V. Foix visited the V Triennial of Architecture in Milan on his way to attend the XIth International Congress of PEN-Club, which was celebrated in Dubrovnik. That journey inspired the poet to write an article about the architecture of the Triennial in the newspaper La Publicitat as well as some other references to it, including the 1971 book Mots i maons o a cascú el seu.

To read tha article, click here..

A la Biblioteca Vapor Badia de Sabadell es presenta l’espectacle poètic «M’exalta el nou i m’enamora el vell», a càrrec de Teatre eSseLa.

Està interpretat per Pep Tines i Cacu Prat, amb imatges de Sebastià Plans, que explora el món de la fàbrica i la cultura industrial a través de l’obra d’autors d’avantguarda, com ara J. V. Foix, Salvat-Papasseit o Pessoa, i poetes socials com Brossa i Martí i Pol.

Dia i hora: 13 d’octubre a les 18.30
Lloc: Biblioteca Vapor Badia de Sabadell

Setantí, 9

Amb motiu de la descoberta de la placa en homenatge a J. V. Foix a la façana del carrer de Setantí, el poeta Carles Camps ha fet un poema visual que podeu veure aquí a l’esquerra.

També poadeu llegir els textos que Carles Camps i Josep Ma Fulquet van escriure en record de J. V. Foix i les seves visites al carrer de Setantí.

Per llegir el text de Carles Camps, click here.

Per llegir el text de Josep Ma Fulquet, cliqueu here.

Homenatge a J. V. Foix

The unveiling of a plaque in honour of J. V. Foix at carrer Setantí will take place on October the 8th. Carrer Setantí is the street where J. V. Foix lived between 1931 and 1987.

This will be followed by the concert «Foixianes», by Rafael Ferrer, at the Teatre-Centre de Sarrià. «Foixianes» is a composition after six sonnets by J. V. Foix, which in this occasion will be performed by soprano Júlia Farrés-Llongueras and pianist Daniel Blanch. The actor Lluís Soler will also take part in the event.

Day: Saturday October 8th

12:00 noon: Unveiling of the plaque
Place: Setantí, 9

01:00 p.m.: «Foixianes» concert
Place: Teatre-Centre de Sarrià. Carrer del Pare Miquel de Sarrià, 8.

See photographs Setantí Street

See photographs Concert Foixianes