El dia 8 de juny, els 12 alumnes guanyadors dels Jocs Florals celebrats a l’escola Poeta Foix per per Sant Jordi van venir a visitar la Fundació acompanyats del director de l’escola, Màrius Pla, i de la tutora de 5è curs Conchi Vidal.

Els alumnes són Masiel Villaflor, de 3r; Lia da Silva, de 4t; Netsanet Lombarte, Santiago Oviedo, Artur Panasiouk i Ada Ollé, de 5è, i Sara Fernández, Nerea Castells, Andreu Estellés, Nur Beltrán, Alma Lucia i Marta Mor, de 6è.

Vegeu fotografies

Joan Pujadas, Margarida Trias and Jaume Medina will take part in an event at which they will present the following posthumous Albert Manent’s books.

Epistolari Albert Manent & Vicenç Riera Llorca (Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2015), a cura de Joan Pujadas
• J.V. Foix – Albert Manent. Correspondència (1952-1985) (Quaderns Crema, 2015), a cura de Margarida Trias
Albert Manent i Carles Riba, dues personalitats del Nou-cents (Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2015), de Jaume Medina

Day and hour: Tuesday the 7th June at 7.00 pm
Place: Palau Robert. Sala de les Cotxeres (Passeig de Gràcia, 107 08008 Barcelona)

Les reunions clandestines que Joan Colomines organitzava a casa seva eren conegudes com a «Barbolles poètiques». Josep Camps i Joan R. Veny-Mesquida presenten l’edició de Poètiques de viva veu, l’arxiu sonor de poesia enregistrat durant la dècada de 1960.

El 4 de juny de 1961 J. V. Foix hi va llegir diversos textos dels llibres que havia publicat fins aleshores.

Dia i hora: dimecres 18 de maig a les 7 h.
Lloc: Sala de la Caritat. Biblioteca de Catalunya


Francesc Pujols’ adventures

The publishing house Males Herbes has published a comic book about the Catalan philosopher Francesc Pujols. Among some personalities, the book includes J. V. Foix, who wrote the Group of the Air Manifesto.

In the picture we can see J. V. Foix (2nd of the left) and his friend Josep Canudas in 1926.

Read here Ignasi Aragay’s article in Ara, May the 7th.

On the occasion of Saint George’s Festivity, and as is its yearly custom, the ePoeta Foix School celebrated its Jocs Florals (poetry festival) on on 22th April last. Marta Mor Gimeno was awarded the «Premi Extraordinari de Poesia J.V. Foix» for her poem «Mar encantat» (Enchanted Sea).

See the Prizes list

See photographs

On April the 15th there will be the presentation of the book Correspondència (1952-1985), by J. V. Foix and Albert Manent. We will have the participation of Enrique Badosa and Margarida Trias.

Organitzed by the Fundació J. V. Foix, Cal Gorina and the Antoni Tort library of Castellar del Vallès.

Date: April the 15th at 7.30 pm
Where: Sala Boadella, 6, Castellar del Vallès

See invitation

See photographs

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day was adopted as 21 March by UNESCO in 1999. It is an invitation to reflect on the power of language and the full development of each person’s creative abilities. The poetry is able to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
The Fundació J. V. Foix celebrates it by publishing a poem of J. V. Foix in the web.

SI DE MATÍ CAÇAVA…, Desa aquests llibres al calaix de baix


In the 1920s a group of Occitanists headed by editor Josep Aladern and made up of young men such as publicist Josep Carbonell and poet J. V. Foix among others, defended the idea of Catalan Countries integrated in Occitania.

The article by Arnau González i Vilalta has appeared in El Temps magazine of March the 8th.

In the new digital cultural magazine Hänsel i Gretel , Arnau Puig publishes a text where he discusses the final line of J. V. Foix‘s poem «El difícil encontre», included in the book On he deixat les claus… and dated at Calella de Palafrugell in June 1939.

Here you can read the text.

In the «Abans d’ara» section of the February 2nd issue of Ara newspaper, Josep Ma Casasús selected J. V. Foix’s article La palmeta de “don Salvador”.
The whole of this article appeared in La Publicitat newspaper on 23.X.1931 and was reproduced in J. V. Foix ‘s book Els lloms transparents (Edicions 62, 1968).