A literary tour in Sarrià

On 18th February a literary tour took place in the Sarrià of J.V. Foix. At 10:30 am, 41 secondary-school students and their teacher Marta Prunés from INS Serrat i Bonastre in Barcelona began the tour from outside Sant Vicenç church.

They were accompanied by Marta Prunés, teacher of Catalan Language and Literature, and by Gemma Reguant, who acted as tour guide and read extracts from the works of J.V. Foix.

The new premises for Jordi Aligué’s and Anna Bellvehí studio were opened in Cardedeu on February the 15th. The space will be devoted to the arts and the culture and has been named «L’estació és allà…» as an hommage to the poet J. V. Foix and as a reference to the prose poem «L’estació».
As well as offering paintig, drawing and engraving workshops the studio will also organize contemporary art exhibitions and poetry events.

News in Nou 9

Dins dels tallers de màster «Estudis Superiors de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes», el dia 13 de febrer, Aleix Cort, escriptor, impartirà el taller titulat «J. V. Foix i el ball: màgia, poesia, elegància i erotisme» a l’aula Vidal i Alcover de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, a Tarragona.

Day: February 13th at 16 pm
Site: Aula Vidal Alcover. URV. Tarragona

Lectura de J. V. Foix a Sabadell

The poetry-reading series «4 x 2: poetes llegeixen poetes» will open at the Biblioteca Vapor Badia in Sabadell, on February 11th. This series of events is organised by Papers de Versàlia, and includes 8 sixty-minute sessions where each poet will comment his or her own work and some other poet’s work.

Days: February 11th and 25th at 7:00 pm
Reading: Josep M Ripoll / J. V. Foix
Site: Biblioteca Vapor Badia. Carrer de les Tres Creus, 127

These events are free of charge, but those who are interested in attending them should enrol to a minimun of two monthly sessions.

Literary critic Xavier Pla, the author of the foreword to Un traficant d’idees a les fronteres de l’art, quoted two authors during the presentation of the book, which took place at the Ateneu Barcelonès. The first is Eugeni d’Ors, Xènius; the second is J. V. Foix, Focius:

«Al nostre entendre, un diari, com un poema, s’ha de redactar, compaginar, imprimir pensant en els nostres successors d’ací a dos segles. […] D’ací a cent anys, d’ací a dos-cents anys, serem judicats pels nostres diaris! Cada número nou del diari hauria d’ésser considerat com un llegat que fem a l’eternitat.» (La Publicitat, 31.III.1932).

To see the whole video of the event click here.

The 63rd gala of the Nit de Santa Llúcia, held in Manresa, was dedicated to surrealism. The artistic show created by playwright Esteve Soler included, among others, J. V. Foix‘s text «Darrer comunicat».

Darrer comunicat

Clic if you wish to see the video of the event. (Foix’s text, from minute 28:30 to 30:10)

One of the events offered by the Coral Sant Jordi this Christmas is Narcís Bonet’s cantata “Ho sap tothom i és profecia”, after J. V. Foix‘s Christmas poem. Conducted by Lluís Vila Casañas, the concert will take place at the Santa Cecília church.

Site: Parròquia de Santa Cecília. Passeig de Sant Gervasi, 66 Barcelona
Day and hour: December 15th at 5:30 pm

On Monday Dicember the 9th there will be a presentation of the book Amb versos de vacances, by J. V. Foix, published by the Fundació J. V. Foix. We will have the participation of the poet and translator of J. V. Foix‘s poems into Spanish, Enrique Badosa and of Josep Ma Fulquet, poet and a Foix’s friend.

Organized by: ACEC and Fundació J. V. Foix
Where: Aula dels Escriptors 5è pis
Ateneu Barcelonès. c/ Canuda, 6
Date: Dicember 9th at 19.30

ACEC Invitation

See photographs

Catalans del segle xx

Arola Editors has published Catalans de les lletres i les arts del segle xx, a collection of photographs of and texts by the most important classics of the Catalan culture in the second half of the twentieth century. Among them there is one of J. V. Foix, taken by Ferran Sendra, accompanied by some words from Tocant a mà.  

Vegeu la fotografia de J. V. Foix

Foix-Espriu Exhibition at Poblenou

An exhibition of artist books will be opened at Casal de Barri del Poblenou on Thursday 31th October. The exhibition is inspired by J. V. Foix and Salvador Espriu poems. L’exposició consisteix en obra gràfica de les artistes que formen el grup Poètica Còdex. Dins del marc de l’exposició, el 22 de novembre hi ha programat un recital poètic.

Site: Casal del Poblenou. Rambla del Poblenou, 49. Barcelona
Hour: 31th October 7.30 pm

The exhibition will remain opened from 31th October to 29th November. Opening houres: Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and Monday to Friday from 4.30 pm to 9 pm