Intertextuality exercise

On the occasion of the event organized by the Fundació J. V. Foix on November the 19th at “Espai Foc” in Sabadell to commemorate the 25th aniversary of J. V. Foix’s death, Josep Maria Fulquet read and discussed some political articles written by the poet and published in several magazines between 1921 and 1936. Afterwards, Fulquet wrote an article on the subject.

The article has been published in Núvol on December the 5th.

Read article

Foix Space in Arts Santa Monica

An audiovisual installation and action by Joan Carles Martínez Prat, with the participation of Vicenç Altaió, Teresa d’Arenys and the orchestra and choir of the Escola Municipal de Música Can Ponsic Escola Municipal de Música Can Ponsic. A sample of the universe created by J. V. Foix.

Place: Arts Santa Monica
Date and time: December 12th, 7:00 p.m.

On December the 1st the TGV station of Perpinyà was inaugurated. Salvador Dalí once named the Perpinyà railway station “The centre of the world”. On this occasion, the Museu del Joguet de Figueres has installed a big showcase next to the entrance of the station headed by the J. V. Foix‘s line “M’exalta el nou i m’enamora el vell”.

Perpinyà TGV station photograph

Photograph of the J. V. Foix’s line in the Museu del Joguet in Figueres

On December the 9th, the Ara newspaper and Edicions 62 will offer the second one of the two volumes by J. V. Foix they have included in “Els millors poetes catalans del segle xx” collection. This volume contains the following poetic prose books: Del “Diari 1918”, L’estrella d’En Perris, Darrer comunicat and Tocant a mà…

On november the 28th a group of ten people from the “Club de Lectura d’Alumni UB” (former students from the Barcelona University) visited the Foundation J. V. Foix. They could see the library, the archive, some artist’s books, some photographs and different documents.
At the end of the visit, they read some poems by J. V. Foix.

See photographs


On Tuesday Dicember the 4th there will be a presentation of the book Res no és moridor, tot és etern, published by the Fundació J. V. Foix. We will have the participation of the translators of J. V. Foix‘s poems into Spanish, Enrique Badosa and José Corredor-Matheos, as well as Jordi Cornudella, who is the editor.

Organized by: ACEC and Fundació J. V. Foix
Where: Aula dels Escriptors 5è pis
Ateneu Barcelonès. c/ Canuda, 6
Date: Dicember 4th at 19.30

ACEC Invitation
Quan en Plana i en Planella…


See photographs


On Sunday the 2nd December, the Ara newspaper and Edicions 62 will offer the first of the two volumes by J. V. Foix they have included in the “Els millors poetes catalans del segle xx” collection. This first volume contains three verse poetry books: Sol, i de dol, Les irreals omegues i i Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.

The second one will appear on Sunday the 9th December and will contain the following prose poetry books: Del “Diari 1918”, L’estrella d’En Perris, Darrer comunicat i Tocant a mà….

If you want to get the entire collection (41 titles of 33 authors), you can register here, ask for information to the e-mail address or call number 902 570 941.

Univ_experienOn the 22nd of November a group of students from the UB University of Experience, enrolled to the subject “Documents personals: Organització, Conservació i Ús” (Personal Papers: Organization, Conservation and Use), imparted by Professor Maria Elvira, visited the Fundació J.V. Foix. in order to see how the archive is organized and to consult some of its documents.

They saw how the archive is organized and consulted some of its documents, photographs and artists’ books.


See photographs

The 19 th November, at 8.30 pm, at the Espai FOC in Sabadell the exhibition In Foix’s shade will be opened. “In Foix’s shade” is an artist’s book proposal whose works are inspired in J. V. Foix’s texts. In order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Foix’s death, Enrique Badosa, Josep Ma Fulquet i Jordi Marrugat will talk about him. The event will end with the actress Rosa Renom reciting some of Foix’s poems.

Day: 19th November at 20.30 h
Site Espai FOC. Via Massagué, 5-7 Sabadell
FGC Línia S2. Estació Rambla

Acte commemoratiu del 25è aniversari de la mort de J. V. Foix a Sabadell
“In Foix’s shade” by Poètica Còdex

See photographs

Wednesday the 7th November, to mark the twentfiftieth anniversary of the J. V. Foix‘ death, the Ateneu de Cultura Popular in l’Hospitalet del Llobregat presents “Un tast de Foix” based in poet’s texts. The actress Gemma Reguant recites the poems accompanied by the pianist Anna Alemany.

Place: Ateneu de Cultura Popular
c/ de Santa Anna, 14. l’Hospitalet del Llobregat
Date: 7 de novembre a les 19 h
Metro Línia 1. Hospital de Bellvitge. Parada: Av. Carrilet

Mayor’s invitation