Visit of the Dolors Monserdà-Santapau’s students
On March the 21st, 43 students from the school Dolors Montserdà visited the Fundació J. V. Foix and interviewed its president Jordi Madern, who was J. V. Foix‘s nephew and lived with the poet for over 35 years.
This school has worked on the life and work of J. V. Foix from primary level to 6th level, with a view to the submission of all the essays written by its students to the Jocs Florals, the Poetry Festival which will be held on April the 23th.
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World Poetry Day
World Poetry Day is on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout THE WORLD and, as the UNESCO session declaring the day says, to “give fresh recognition and impetus to national, regional and international poetry movements”.
Dossier del Dia Mundial de la Poesia
Fundació‘s participation
J. V. Foix and El Port de la Selva: 25 years without dreams
On Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th March, the Port de la Selva Town Council will present a J.V. Foix literary tour, which will cover several locations in the town that were portrayed in many of the poet’s works.
Tour: Avinguda J. V. Foix, carrer de Illa, Moll d’en Balleu, cantó Torelló, carrer de Sant Baldiri (davant l’església), Plaça Pol Nadal i Mallol, carrer Mar, carrer de la Unió (davant casa d’en Foix), el Pas.
Tour highlights
A literary tour in Sarrià
On 21st February a literary tour took place in the Sarrià of J.V. Foix. At 10:30am, 39 secondary-school students and four teachers from INS Serrat i Bonastre in Barcelona began the tour from outside Sant Vicenç church. Gemma Reguant acted as tour guide and read extracts from the works of J.V. Foix.
See photos
J.V. Foix’s poetic biography
Quaderns Crema reedita Sol, i de dol
From February the 1st, a new paperback edition of Sol i del dol, one of the most important books by J.V. Foix, will be available in bookshops. This new edition includes a foreword by its publisher Jaume Vallcorba.
First published in 1947, Sol i de dol is a collection of seventy classical sonnets divided into sections and accompanied by several excerpts from medieval poetry.
Antologia poètica de J. V. Foix
On Sunday, January 29th, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of J.V. Foix‘s death, the Catalan newspaper Ara offered a special edition of his Selected Poems first published by Edicions 62 in 1980 in its collection “Les millors obres de la literatura catalana” (MOLC), with a preface by Pere Gimferrer.
Blogosphere homage
On Sunday, January 29th, the bloggers from “La Catosfera” were called on to pay a simultaneous homage to J.V. Foix on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his death.
You will find attached the list of over 125 participants, compiled by Victor Pàmies i Riudor in his blog Raons que rimen (Reasons that Rhyme).
25 years of J. V. Foix’s death
Sunday, January 29th marks the 25th anniversary of J.V. Foix‘s death. In order to commemorate it, the J.V. Foix Foundation has scheduled an event at the Sarrià Cemetery with the participation of Xavier Lloveras, the author of the text Mots i maons (“Words and Bricks”), from the book Tombes i lletres (Graves and Literature). Following that, there will be a poetry reading by the audience.
When: 29th January at 12.00
Where: Sarrià Cemetery. Doctor Roux, s/n. 08017 Barcelona
See photographs
“Un tast de Foix” at Clarà Library
To mark the twentfiftieth anniversary of the J. V. Foix‘s death the Biblioteca Clarà presents “Un tast de Foix” based in poet’s texts. The actress Gemma Reguant recites the poems accompanied by the pianist Anna Alemany.
Date: 24th January at 19 h
Place: Biblioteca Clarà. Dr. Carulla, 22-24. 08017 Barcelona