The Aula Màrius Torres publishes Poemes
Facsimile of the complete collection of the magazine Poemes, with additional material (autographs of some texts and material from the editors’ archives). It includes a fragment from the memoirs of Joan Colomines i Puig, which acts as a Presentation and an introductory study under the charge of Jaume Aulet.
Enric Falguera, Xavier Macià, Jordi Malé & Joan R. Veny-Mesquida (ed.), Poemes (Barcelona, 1963-1964), Lleida, Aula Màrius Torres & Pagès Editors, 2010.
The Institut d’Estudis Catalans has publied the book Quinze anys de periodisme: les col·laboracions de J. V. Foix a La Publicitat (1922-1936) by Pere Gómez i Inglada, that obtained the Lluís Nicolau d’Olwer Prize of Philology in 2007.
The study tries to be an approach to the intense journalist activity of J.V. Foix and to show the outstanding rol, almost exclusive, that it had in the publicist’s creative production, superior than the poetic creation. It also deals with Foix’s relation with Acció Catalana and the politic situation of that time.
The outbreak of the war and the impossibility of maintaining his journalist activity, from the freedom and in his mother tongue, caused him approaching other fields of his literary creation.
La literatura, un alè per a la nació
Espais Escrits ofereix un recull de textos que ens aporta reflexions diverses de Maria Àngels Anglada, Víctor Balaguer, Salvador Espriu, J.V. Foix, Àngel Guimerà, Narcís Oller, Josep Palau i Fabre, Josep Pla, Manuel de Pedrolo, Francesc Pujols i Jacint Verdaguer. Són textos que fan referència a la llengua i/o al país en uns moments en què, més enllà dels pressupostos, volen retallar a Catalunya la identitat i la capacitat de ser de tot un poble.
Aquí podeu trobar els de J.V. Foix: Punts de meditació catalanista
Mapa literari català 2.0
The Mapa literari català 2.0. (Catalan Literary Map) was officially presented on 15th June.
It contains more than 500 fragments from literary works by 31 authors, backed-up by a formidable multimedia content; photographs, videos and texts read by well known voices such as Pere Arquillué, Carles Sales, Rosa Cadafalch or Mercè Managuerra.
Furthermore, the CLM allows us to follow both real and virtual literary routes. CLM is a Google Maps® web-based application that permits us to locate points on the World map with associated catalan literary texts. Each geographical location, or Written Space contains text related to the territory and multimedia content. The links between the piece of work, its author and the territory in question help put the work in contexto.
The application also includes the location of the Literary Heritage Centres and Centres of Study that are part of Espais Escrits. Xarxa del Patrimoni Literari Català (Written Spaces. Catalan Literary Heritage Network) with practical information about the institution. J.V. Foix is one of the authors to be found on the map.
We recommend Google Chrome®.
No pesquis mai amb els ormeigs d’un altre
No pesquis mai amb els ormeigs d’un altre, published in December 2009, contains, in addition to the transcription and the translation to Spanish (done by Enrique Badosa and José Corredor-Mateos) of texts by Foix, an appendix that includes nine new telepoems, edited by Ramon Salvo Torres, and an introductory study by the same author.
The origin of the recordings is mainly due to the American Hispanicist and Catalanophile Patricia J. Boehne, who, in the summers of the years 1974 and 1977, visited the poet in Port de la Selva.
She, as director of North American Catalan Society, and together with some others Catalanophiles, as David Rosenthal, has promoted the candidature of poet Foix to Nobel Prize.
Therefore, this book is a tribute to Patricia J. Boehne, the English translator of part of the work by Foix, which so much has contributed to spread the knowledge of Foix in the Anglo-Saxon world.
Cròniques de l’ultrason
El CD Cròniques de l’ultrason, publicat el desembre del 2009 per Ars Harmonica i la Fundació J.V. Foix, conté les Cròniques I, II, III, IV, V, VI, IX, X, XIII i XIV, a més del text “Què us podria dir?”. La música ha estat composta per Joan Carles Martínez, i ell mateix la interpreta a la guitarra.
L’actor Quim Lecina recita els textos.