J. V. Foix, Vila-Matas and the literature

In this week’s issue of Time Out magazine (Barcelona Edition), there is an article by Enrique Vila-Matas entitled «Literatura de Barcelona», where he enumerates the writers whose work talks of the city and which he considers the most important ones (Sagarra, Marsé, Mendoza, Pàmies, etc.), and ends the article saying:

«… the poetry of the great J. V. Foix, who I spied on in his pastisserie of the Barcelona district of Sarrià: he was always behind the counter, close to the cash register. He wrote a prose poem “Anava dreta i sola dalt de l’autobús” (“She was standing alone right in the middle of the bus”) which led me directly to literature when I was fifteen; I decided I would be a writer after reading this poem about this bus of Barcelona that right now I couldn’t say where could be found.»

Anava sola i dreta dalt l’autobús