For the second consecutive year, the FNEC has held the J. V. Foix Literary Competition at the Foundation headquarters. On Wednesday, July 12, the award ceremony of this 4th competition took place. The winners in the three categories were Clara Mas Martí (narrative), Jan Miramanda (essay) and Clara Alcover (poetry).
The Foundation received the FNEC award for militancy for Catalonia for the work of disseminating and preserving the work of J. V. Foix from the hands of president Eduard Pla. .

On TV3’s noon news, Pere Gaviria talked about L’estiu passat by Joan Safont, a book edited by Comanegra which collects, expanded, the articles about the summer vacation places of writers and artists published last summer at El Nacional.
J. V. Foix al Port de la Selva or the importance of wearing suitable trousers was the title of the first article, dedicated to J. V. Foix.

Here you can see the video of the piece of news.

The IEI hosts the exhibition Art i paraula, a traveling exhibition in which twelve artists and twelve poets become a unit as they cross the paths of image and word.
Jordi Tolosa works with the alchemical material of iron to transform the words of J. V. Foix and contrast the parameters of measuring the depths with the impossible measurements of the poetic/artistic message.

Place: Zona Zero IEI de Lleida, Plaça de la Catedral, s/n Lleida
Days: from June 20 to September 3

On May 27, in the program L’irradiador of Catalunya Ràdio, directed by David Guzmán, Adolf Beltran commented on the book by J. V. Foix Entre llibres i llibres published by the Fundació i Edicions 62. This volume includes the correspondence between the poet and the publisher Joan Gili, his friend and brother-in-law, who in 1934 settled in England.

Here you can listen to the fragment of the program where the book is discussed.

Yesterday, May 16, ended the poetry course “Read, read…” on poems by J. V. Foix, taught by Literature teacher Òscar Rocabert. Organized in collaboration with the MUHBA, the course took place at Vil·la Joana.
The poems commented have been from four books by Foix: Gertrudis, Sol, i de dol, Les irreals omegues and Onze Nadals i un Cap d’Any.
Another course will be offered soon.

As every year, the poeta Foix school celebrated St. George’s Day by awarding collective prizes at the children’s level and the sixth graders. Among others, the prize for the funniest verses, the prize for tolerance and the prize for creativity and rap musicality have been awarded. In addition, an extraordinary J. V. Foix award has been given to all the students of the school because they feel proud of the name of their school, that of the poet J. V. Foix.

Here you can see the photographs of Sant Jordi’s Day 2023.

J. V. Foix in English

In March, number 7 of the semi-annual magazine Des pays habitables appeared, from Pierre Mainard Éditions, which begins with the Quatre nus and closes with the poem «Els assalariats del somni», by J. V. Foix, translated into French by Boris Monneau, translator and researcher in the literary and cinematographic fields.

Aquí podeu llegir el «Nu de pedra» en francès.

J. V. Foix in Dutch

On March 16, issue 23 of the international literature magazine Terras was presented at the Perdu bookstore in Amsterdam, with J. V. Foix‘s translations into Dutch made by Adri Boon.
It includes two sonnets of Sol, i de dol, three prose poems of Gertrudis, KRTU and L’estrella d’En Perris and a poem from Les irreals omegues. It also has the prologue that Gabriel Ferrater did for Foix’s book Els lloms transparents.

Here you have the sonnet Sol, i de dol in bilingual version.


UNESCO declared March 21 World Poetry Day to commemorate one of the most precious forms of expression and linguistic identity of humanity: poetry. Practiced in all cultures and on all continents, it speaks to our common humanity and shared values.

This year the poem chosen was “El difícil encontre”, which belongs to the book On he left les claus.

Here you can read the poem.
Here you can listen to the poem recited by J. V. Foix himself.

J. V. Foixi in Tornaveu-Poètic

Tornaveu-Poètic is a unique anthology in Catalan that includes poems and video readings by current and classic authors. Enric Umbert-Reixach is in charge of this initiative, which also incorporates his reviews of the poets that have appeared in different media. The rhapsodes Txell Sota, Berta Giraut, Anna Bou, Jordi Vidal, Núria Candela and Daniela Brown collaborate.
On this occasion, he presents the poem by J. V. Foix “Es quan dormo que hi veig clar” recited by the same poet.

Here you can see the video.