On August the 29th, the Grup de Cultura of Rupià presented the recital «Cròniques de l’ultrason», by J. V. Foix, which the actor Quim Lecina staged for the first time at the Barcelona Teatre Lliure 25 years ago.
This time Lecina was accompanied by the young musician Martí Bertran on electric guitar.

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Presentation of La Mar d’Amunt

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On Mondays of July and August, the Port de la Selva Town Council will offer the J. V. Foix literary tour. The tour covers several locations in the town that were portrayed in many of the poet’s works.

Days: On Mondays 20th and 27th, and 3th, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31 August
Meeting point: Library at 19 pm
Visit free.

You have to make a telephone reservation at the Tourist Office o calling the 972 387 122.

Arnau Puig has published the article «Picasso, Dalí, Miró, J. V. Foix i el surrealisme a la cultura catalana» in his blog.

Puig shows the great contribution to plastic and intellectual creativity carried out by some artists who felt themselves as the bearers of a new seed: the internal, intimate thinking without caesura of the unconscious.

El 3 de juny els guanyadors dels Jocs Florals escolars del 2015 de l’escola Poeta Foix van visitar la Fundació J. V. Foix. Van poder veure els objectes, llibres, primeres edicions, llibres d’artista i altres documents que conformen l’arxiu de la Fundació.
Els alumnes dels cursos de 3r a 6è de primària van llegir uns quants poemes de J. V. Foix.

Aquí podeu veure la llista dels alumnes que van visitar la Fundació.

El 14 de maig, a la Biblioteca Mercè Rodoreda de Barcelona i dins la Setmana de Poesia es va retre homenatge al crític i editor Jaume Vallcorba. Van participar-hi Rafael Argullol, Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas, Francesc Parcerisas, Lola Badia i Ponç Pons. Moderava Manel Ollé. Entre molts altres, Vallcorba va editar l’obra completa de J. V. Foix.

See Biblioteca’s news..

In the book entitled La porta d’entrada al Cap de Creus, art historian Mariona Seguranyes asserts the influence of the northern coast of Cap de Creus on the core of various artists’ work. Port de la Selva is believed to be the place where, under the leadership of J. V. Foix, the revival of the avant-garde with the artists’ group Dau al Set took place.
Joan Ponç picture evokes a boat trip of the artists of Dau al Set and J. V. Foix, from el Port de la Selva to Cadaqués, to visit Salvador Dalí.
See the article Punt Avui.

As every year, the Sant Jordi day, the Poeta Foix school celebrated the «Jocs Florals». Among others, it was awarded the Extraordinary Prize of Poetry J. V. Foix, that won Alvaro Díaz Díez with the poem entitled «L’univers».

Consult the prizes

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Barcelona is applying to be a . Being a city of literature means we are active, passionate and creative in our approach to working locally and internationally, building on our shared literary history, knowledge and culture. Each City is dedicated to pursuing excellence in literature on a local level, engaging citizens in a dynamic culture of words.
Edinburgh, Melbourne, Iowa City, Dublin, Reykjavik, Norwich, Krakow, Dunedin, Granada, Heidelberg and Prague are part of the UNESCO Cities of Literature Network.


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El Projecte TRACES se suma a la celebració de la Setmana de la poesia catalana a internet, iniciativa de Lletra (UOC), i presenta una selecció poètica: han aplegat totes les novetats sobre poesia catalana o traduïda al català aparegudes al llarg del 2014.
Hi figura, J. V. Foix i els seu Amb versos de vacances.

Projecte TRACES