Joaquim Molas and the avant-gardes

The exhibition “Enemic de gàbies. Joaquim Molas i les avantguardes”, curated by Professors Enric Bou and Jordi Cerdà, can be visited from May 23 to August 27, in Room 4, at the Palau Robert in Barcelona. The exhibition reveals the study by Joaquim Molas of the literary and artistic avant-gardes in Catalonia, one of whose exponents was J. V. Foix.


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Homage to Enrique Badosa

On June the 1st a Conference to pay homage to the poet Enrique Badosa will take place on the occasion of his 90th anniversary. Badosa has translated the Catalan poets J. V. Foix and Salvador Espriu into Castilian, in addition of being a publisher and literary critic.

Day and hour: June the 1st from 10 am to 7 pm.
Place: Aula Capella at the Universitat de Barcelona. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585.

Here you can get the programme.

The third edition of the Jornades d’Història i Cultura Local will take place at the Arxiu Històric in Castellar del Vallès on Thursday May the 19th. The event will be devoted to personal library funds, including J. V. Foix’s, as well as Joan Arús’s, Joan Oliver’s and the personal funds that are diposited at the Biblioteca d’Humanitats of the UAB.

Date and time: May 19th, 5:30 pm.
Place: Arxiu Històric de Castellar del Vallès

See the progrram

Here you can read the Actual article.

As every year, the Sant Jordi day, the Poeta Foix school celebrated the «Jocs Florals». Among others, it was awarded the Extraordinary Prize of Poetry J. V. Foix, that won Santiago Oviedo Sanz, from 6 A.

Here you can consult the prizes.

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The Institut J. V. Foix, in Rubí, contributes to the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of J. V. Foix‘s death with a series of events, such as an exhibition of books by Foix in its library, as well as a collection of photographs and information about his life and a chronological line.
Some bookmarks have been designed by students of the first year of ESO on the occasion of Saint George’s Day.

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At Sant Llorenç dels Morunys, close to he Torrents de Lladurs, the place of origin of the Foix lineaje, the group Xarxa has organized a poetic walk as part of the events to commemorate Saint George’s Day as well as the 30th anniversary of J. V. Foix’s death. Some texts by J.V. Foix will be read by Moixic during the walk.

Place: Sant Llorenç dels Morunys
Day and time: Saturday April 22th at 10.00 am.

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On April the 20th and on the occasion of the Saint George’s Day, the Casal Català in Brussels joins the thirtieth anniversary of Foix’s death with the lecture «Oh Foix!», by Ferran Bach, who was the poet’s reader between 1982 and 1986.

Place: Espai Catalunya Europa (Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat, 227 – 1040 Brussels)
Day and hour: 20 April at 6.30 pm

From the 1st of April on, the exhibitions “Interpretant Foix”–which consist of “Fem llum al magatzem dels llibres”, by the artist Quim Domene, and the micromapping “Desviacions”, by Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández– can be visited at El Port de la Selva.

On Saturday 15th April, at 7.30 pm, the poet Carles Camps Mundó will give the lecture “El barret de Foix: una guia de lectura?” at the Sala d’Exposicions, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Foix’s death.

Place: carrer Major, 1 El Port de la Selva
Day and time: April 15th 2017 at 7.30 pm.

The artists’ group Poètica Còdex presents at Centre de Cultura, in Ripollet, the artists’ books exhibition entitled «Pensar poesia», about the poets J. V. Foix, Salvador Espriu, Ma Àngels Anglada and Alda Merini.

Place: Sala 1 d’exposicions del Centre de Cultura de Ripollet, Rambla de Sant Jordi 2.
Days: 1st to 30th April 2017
Hours: Saturdays from 10 to 13 pm and from 18 to 20 pm. Sundays and from 10 to 14 h.

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J. V. Foix a la Barreteria Mil

Thursday the 30th March, at Barreteria Mil the poets Carles Camps and Jaume Creus will talk about J. V. Foix and will read some of his poems.

Place: Barreteria Mil. Fontanella, 20. Barcelona
Day and hour: March the 30th at 8 pm

To read Carles Camps‘ text, click here.

If you want to see the video click here.

<href=”…a-barreteria-mil/>See photographs</a>