Dia mundial de la poesia

World Poetry Day was adopted as 21 March by UNESCO in 1999. The Fundació J. V. Foix celebrates it by publishing a J. V. Foix‘s poem.

Here you can find the poem with which we commemorate this celebration: ONSEVULLA TINC PORT d’On he deixat les claus…

Arnau Puig was awarded the Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres medal by the French Minister of Culture. Edouard Beslay, the Consul General of France in Barcelona, gave him the decoration yesterday in an event that took place in Barcelona.
Arnau Puig, the Catalan philosopher who represents «intellectual harshness, discipline and emotion», was the teoretician of the Dau al Set group, the members of which were closely linked to J. V. Foix.

Vegeu fotografies

Following the events to commemorate J. V. Foix’s death, a concert will take place at Vil·la Joana on February the 19th. The concert is called «Foixianes» and was composed by Rafael Ferrer, who set to music some sonnets by J. V. Foix.

It will be performed by pianist Daniel Blanch and soprano Júlia Farrés-Llongueras. Before that, the actor Lluís Soler will recite the sonnets, a poem by Verdaguer and some texts by Foix about Verdaguer and Barcelona.

Place: MUHBA. Vil·la Joana. Ctra. de l’Església, 104. Vallvidrera.
Day and hour: Sunday February 19th at 12 am.

Click here to arrive.

See photographs

Recital poètic «Un tast de Foix», a càrrec de Gemma Reguant, actriu, i d’Anna Alemany, pianista.

Poesia i prosa de J. V. Foix amb música de Mompou, Montsalvatge i Mestres Quadreny

Lloc: Biblioteca Clarà. Dr. Carulla, 22-24.
Dia i hora: Dimecres 1 de febrer, a les 19.00


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of J. V. Foix‘s death, two exhibitions will be opened and Pere Gómez Inglada will give a lecture entitled «J. V. Foix i la Barcelonota» at Vil·la Joana on January the 29th.

Exhibition: «Fem llum al magatzem dels llibres», by Quim Domene.

Audiovisual mapping: «Desviacions», by Quim Domene and Norbe Fernández.

Lloc: MUHBA. Vil·la Joana. Ctra. de l’Església, 104. Vallvidrera.
To find out how to get there, please click here.

Day and hour: Sunday the 29th, 11 am.

Vegeu com s’ha fet el vídeo mappingDesviacions.

From January the 19th to April the 6th the Bloom School will carry out the seminar entitled «Del plagi entès com una de les belles arts» [Plagiarism as a Fine Art], in which one of the proposed readings is J. V. Foix‘s Diari 1918. The seminar includes ten different items and will be taught by Manel Ollé.

Place: Calàbria, 75, ppal 2a Barcelona
Days: Every Thurday from January the 9th to April the 6th
Hour: From 7.00 pm to 21.00 pm

How the Nativity Scene was made

Norbe Fernández has edited a video he recorded during the process of building the Nativity Scene, inspired by the J. V. Foix’s poem «Ho sap tothom i és profecia».

The artists who took part in it are Quim Domene and Toti Toronell, both from d’Olot, as well as Norbe Fernández.

Please click here to see the video.

On December the 19th there will be the presentation of the book Oh, si prudent i amb paraula lleugera…, by J. V. Foix. We will have the participation of Enrique Badosa and Laureà Bonet. Both of them had interviewed J. V. Foix.

Organized by the Fundació J. V. Foix
Date: December the 19th at 7.30 pm
Where: Aula dels Escriptors de l’ACEC. Ateneu Barcelonès. Canuda, 6, 5th floor.

See photographs

Oh, si prudent i amb paraula lleugera… includes twenty-eight interviews of J. V. Foix which appeared in press, newspapers and reviews, or in books, from 1954 to 1987. Three of the latest ones were published posthumously.

The interviews of the book are a selection the forty we have found till today.

The 2016 Nativity Scene of the Barcelona Town Council is inspired by the J. V. Foix’s poem «Ho sap tothom i és profecia», and has been reinterpreted by the artists Quim Domene and Toti Toronell, both from Olot.

The Nativity Scene consists of nine transparent balls, each of which matches with a stanza of the poem. The Three Wise Men are embodied by J. V. Foix, Joan Miró and Pau Casals. The installation also contains three images (the Virgin, the Infant Jesus and Saint Joseph) borrowed from the Sants d’Olot Museum.

You can find the whole poem here.